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本研究以員工角度切入探討永續教育訓練及永續獎勵對員工永續行為之影響,並了解員工知覺企業永續責任之中介效果。本研究以天下雜誌永續公民獎得獎企業之員工做為研究對象,採用問卷調查法蒐集資料,以立意抽樣方式發放電子問卷,共計回收345份有效問卷,將所蒐集資料進行整理,並運用SPSS統計軟體將數據資料進行描述性統計、差異分析、相關分析、迴歸分析等檢驗結果。研究發現:(1)永續教育訓練與員工知覺企業永續責任具有關聯性;(2)永續獎勵對員工知覺企業永續責任具有關聯性;(3)員工知覺企業永續責任對員工永續行為具有關聯性;(4)永續教育訓練對員工永續行為具有關聯性;(5)永續獎勵對員工永續行為具有關聯性;(6)員工知覺企業永續責任在永續教育訓練及員工永續行為中具有中介效果;(7) 員工知覺企業永續責任在永續獎勵及員工永續行為中具有中介效果。最後提出本研究獲致之主要結論與建議,提供後續研究以及人力資源實務管理意涵之參考。
This study explores whether employees’ perceptions of corporate human resource practices and employees’ perceptions of corporate sustainability responsibility affect their adoption of sus-tainable behaviors. In the past, there have been relevant studies to explore the impact of corporate sustainable education and training and sustainable rewards on employees’ sustainable behavior, and the results are not significant. The employees of Commonwealth Magazine’s Sustainable Citizenship Award-winning companies were selected as the research objects to explore whether sustainable education and training and sustainable rewards have the influence on emplyees’ sustainable behavior, and to explore whether employees’ perception of corporate sustainable responsibility has a mediating effect. After purposive sampling, with the employees of the working enterprise as the parent group, 345 valid questionnaires were collected through the distribution and recovery of the questionnaires. After hierarchical regression analysis of the survey data, it is found that sustainable education training and sustainable rewards have a significant impact on employees’ sustainable behavior, and employees’ perception of corporate sustainable responsibility also has a mediating effect.
This study explores whether employees’ perceptions of corporate human resource practices and employees’ perceptions of corporate sustainability responsibility affect their adoption of sus-tainable behaviors. In the past, there have been relevant studies to explore the impact of corporate sustainable education and training and sustainable rewards on employees’ sustainable behavior, and the results are not significant. The employees of Commonwealth Magazine’s Sustainable Citizenship Award-winning companies were selected as the research objects to explore whether sustainable education and training and sustainable rewards have the influence on emplyees’ sustainable behavior, and to explore whether employees’ perception of corporate sustainable responsibility has a mediating effect. After purposive sampling, with the employees of the working enterprise as the parent group, 345 valid questionnaires were collected through the distribution and recovery of the questionnaires. After hierarchical regression analysis of the survey data, it is found that sustainable education training and sustainable rewards have a significant impact on employees’ sustainable behavior, and employees’ perception of corporate sustainable responsibility also has a mediating effect.
企業永續教育訓練, 企業永續獎勵, 員工知覺企業永續責任, 員工永續行為, sustainable training, sustainable rewards, employees' perceptions of corporate sustainability, employees' sustainable behavior