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摘要 本研究旨在探討一位國中校長在歷任學校課程領導與教學領導的實際情形,並採用訪談及文件分析方法進行研究。同時邀請當時的教務主任、教師及家長會長進行訪談,經資料整理、分析及討論後,提出下列結論: 壹、葉校長進行課程與教學領導時,充份發揮正向的人格特質,能夠持續自我學習,並培養良好的人際關係互動,深獲得教師的信任與肯定。 貳、葉校長具備正確的課程領導理念,能根據學校特色落實學校願景,以專業領導學校,促進課程的深度與廣度,並有效整合學校與社區資源,全面提升課程品質。 參、葉校長身為教學領導者,樂於扮演不同教學領導角色,藉由主動參與教學工作、嘗試多元教學方法,協助教師解決教學問題等,具體提升教師的教學與學生的學習效能。 肆、葉校長能採取合宜的課程領導策略,順勢而為帶動教師專業發展評鑑,以關懷激勵方式,營造組織合作關係,並妥善規劃資源,達成課程發展的目標。 伍、為了提高教師教學表現與促進學生學習的氣氛,葉校長對教師及學生具有高度期待,積極解決教學領導時間不足的困境,更以尊重、示範與支持的態度來鼓勵教師進行專業成長。 最後依研究結論,分別對教育行政主管機關、國中校長、學校行政單位、教師及未來研究者提出具體建議以供參考。
abstract The main purpose of this study is to understand the situation of a principal’s curriculum leadership and instructional leadership in three schools. This study adopts a case study approach and data are collected through interviews and file analysis. Also, ex-Academic Affair Supervisors, teachers and chairperson in Parent Teacher Association interviews were conducted at the same time. After the data gathered from the interviews, documents analyzed and discussed, conclusions and suggestions were drawn. The research conclusions are as follows: 1.The positive personality traits of Principal Yen get highly trust and affirmation from teachers when carrying out curriculum and instructional leadership. Also, Principal Yen kept continuing self-learning and developing good interaction with teachers. 2.An explicit conception of curriculum was already kept in Principal Yen’s mind. Each school’s visions could be completed according to its different specialty. The behaviors of curriculum leadership of Principal Yen involve: leading the school professionally, promoting the depth and breadth of curriculum, integrating the resource of local community and school and prompting curriculum quality. 3.Principal Yen as an instructional leader is willfully to play different roles in instructional leadership. The effect of teachers’ teaching and students’ learning are certainly promoted by participating teaching, using multiple teaching methods and helping solve teaching problems. 4.In order to achieve the curriculum development goals, some suitable strategies were adopted by Principal Yen. Such as, cultivate cooperation and warmth atmosphere, integrate resource, and carry out Teacher Professional Assessment. 5.For the purpose of building teachers’ high performance and enhancing organization learning environment, Principal Yen has high expectations on teachers and students, and effectively solve time insufficient. Some attitude like respect, demonstrate and support shown by Principal Yen were conveyed to teachers to encourage teacher’s professional growth. According to the above conclusions, some suggestions are provided as a referenceof educational administrations, principals of junior high schools, administration units, teachers, and further researchers.



國中校長, 課程領導, 教學領導, 個案研究, principal of junior high school, curriculum leadership, instructional leadership, case study





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