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「量詞」為漢藏語系一個十分特殊的語言機制,除了有「計算事物的量」的「計量」功能外,尚有表「分類」、「定指」等其他重要功能。而台語是屬於漢族人的一種方言,擁有豐富的量詞,但目前學者僅對台語動量詞做過較詳盡的探討,而比動量詞發展還早、數量還多的名量詞,相關研究卻寥寥無幾。故本文是以台語名量詞為題,對目前名量詞的相關研究做深入闡述,並試圖為台語名量詞整理出完整的系統架構。 本文將以台語名量詞為研究對象,從名量詞的分類、歷史發展、語義虛化、句法表現和語義內涵進行探討,主要以認知語言學的意象圖示、隱喻與轉喻、原型理論探討台語名量詞的語義及名量詞與名詞的搭配,並透過台語和華語、客語及粵語的句法比較,推敲台語名量詞的句法特性,以補足前人研究之不足,並為台語名量詞建立一套完整的體系。 本文也將比較台語和其他語言名量詞的句法與語義差異,希望透過多語言的比較,進而發掘單一語言研究尚未觸及的觀點與問題,找出前人還未發掘的特性,以充實台語名量詞的內涵。相信在如此深入且系統性的討論下,能減輕學習者的學習負擔,教師能增加教學效率,也能為台語名量詞提出更精確的闡釋。
This thiese aims to study the nominal Classifier of Taiwanese. The Classifier is a quite special language system in Sino-Tibetan languages, with the function of calculating, sorting and definiting, etc. Taiwanese is a chinese dialect; hence, it has a significant classifier system. Previous researches mostly focused on Taiwanese verbal classifiers, while the related issues of Taiwanese nominal classifiers have not been worked on yet. Under this circumstance, this thiese will examine the nominal classifier of Taiwanese in details to figure out various related promblems. This thesis is based on the theories of Cognitive Grammar, Prototype Theory, Metaphors and Metonymies, and focuses on studying the categorization of Taiwanese classifiers, the history development, the grammaticalization routes, the syntactic representation and semantic contents. Furthermore, we wil compare the nominal classifier mechanism of Taiwanese, Chinese, Hakka and Cantonese, to reveal their discrepencies. We hope through comparing Taiwanese and other languages, we will be able to discover more significant and essential viewpoints and issues that never find out in pevious or single language research. We believe that under such systemic discussion, this thesis wil be greatly valuable for teaching and learning Taiwanese nominal classifier.



台語名量詞, 分類, 句法表現, 語義內涵, Taiwanese nominalclassifiers, category of classifiers, syntactic representation, semantic analys





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