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本研究以台灣地區國中二年級學生為研究對象,採分層叢集立意抽樣的方式;以問卷調查的方式探討「道德氣氛」與「道德發展」間之關聯性,並檢定個人背景因素及道德氣氛各變項對個人道德發展的影響。研究者廣為探討國內外相關研究之文獻,建立本研究的理論架構,並參考相關量表,改編成「道德氣氛問卷」與「社會問題意見調查問卷(簡稱DIT)」做為研究工具,進行實徵研究。調查所得資料分別採用次數分配表(Frequencies)、描述性統計量(Descriptive)、t考驗(T-Test)、單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)、皮爾遜積差相關(Pearson product-moment correlation)等統計方法,進行各項考驗。
The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate the general situation of junior high school’s moral atmosphere, students’ moral development and the relationship between these two variables. Through this research, it could offer some suggestions about how to create the moral atmosphere of the schools and how to promote students’ moral development. The objects of this study are the second-grade junior high school students in Taiwan. The methods are adopted here are literature analyzing and questionnaire. The instruments used in this research are DIT and SMAQ. The results of this research are as follow: 1. About the moral atmosphere of junior high school: as a whole the moral atmosphere of junior high school is in Stage 2 instrument orientation. 2. About students’ moral development: some junior high school students have already been in conventional level, female students have been more mature than male students in moral development, students in north part get higher P score than other area. 3. About the relationship between these two variables: the better moral atmosphere the school has, the more mature students’ moral development will be, and the different moral atmosphere will have influence on students’ moral development. According to the results, offer some suggestions as follow: 1. Promote the stage of moral atmosphere. 2. Create the collective awareness of the school. 3. Emphasize on the practice of the school rules and cultivate students’ moral responsibilities. 4. Built school moral community. 5. Live up a democratic management framework in school. 6. Enforce students’ moral reasoning in conventional level. 7. Initiate positive moral atmosphere and moral culture.
The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate the general situation of junior high school’s moral atmosphere, students’ moral development and the relationship between these two variables. Through this research, it could offer some suggestions about how to create the moral atmosphere of the schools and how to promote students’ moral development. The objects of this study are the second-grade junior high school students in Taiwan. The methods are adopted here are literature analyzing and questionnaire. The instruments used in this research are DIT and SMAQ. The results of this research are as follow: 1. About the moral atmosphere of junior high school: as a whole the moral atmosphere of junior high school is in Stage 2 instrument orientation. 2. About students’ moral development: some junior high school students have already been in conventional level, female students have been more mature than male students in moral development, students in north part get higher P score than other area. 3. About the relationship between these two variables: the better moral atmosphere the school has, the more mature students’ moral development will be, and the different moral atmosphere will have influence on students’ moral development. According to the results, offer some suggestions as follow: 1. Promote the stage of moral atmosphere. 2. Create the collective awareness of the school. 3. Emphasize on the practice of the school rules and cultivate students’ moral responsibilities. 4. Built school moral community. 5. Live up a democratic management framework in school. 6. Enforce students’ moral reasoning in conventional level. 7. Initiate positive moral atmosphere and moral culture.
道德氣氛, 正義社群, 道德認知發展, moral atmosphere, just community, moral development