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摘 要 目前國內拔河隊所使用的握繩法有歐式握法與日式握法,本研究目的在比較歐式握法與日式握法,在個人及團體的最大拉力及持續拉力時間之差異。以獲全國冠軍之國中女子拔河隊選手9名(平均年齡14.4±0.88歲,平均身高160.4±4.47公分,平均體重52.2±4.23公斤)為受測對象,分別以歐式及日式兩種握法在中姿勢與低姿勢測量個人、團體狀態下拉力的表現。使用拔河訓練機模擬進攻與防守狀態,以電子拉力計及攝影機擷取拉力值,最後以Microsoft Excel 2000及SPSS 12.0加以統計分析。所得結果經相依樣本t檢定分析、探討比較後得到以下結果:在拔河進攻拉力方面,以個人中姿勢、低姿勢以及團體隊型實驗結果,歐式握法的最大拉力、平均拉力以及拉力效率均顯著優於日式握法(p<.05)。在拔河防守持續拉力時間方面,歐式握法在個人及團體隊型表現均顯著優於日式握法(p<.05)。因此,本研究結論為歐式握法與日式握法在最大拉力與持續拉力時間的表現,歐式握法顯著優於日式握法。建議國中女子組拔河選手在訓練或比賽時採歐式握法。
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to make comparisons between Japanese and Europe grips on maximal pull force and endurance in Tug of War. The subjects were members of a 9-player tug-of-war team (age 14.4±0.88; height 160.4±4.47; weight 52.2±4.23). Comparisons were made between the Europe and Japanese grips with different positions (central and low positions mainly) to evaluate the various pull force performances of individuals and a team. The use of the training machine simulated both offensive and defensive states. Load cell and videotape recorder were used to collect the data of the pull force. The result was assessed with SPSS 12.0. The measured data were analyzed by paired-t test. The main findings of this study were: Europe grips resulted in higher maximal pull force, minimal pull force and average pull force of individual low and central positions than Japanese grips. Europe grips also did better on average pull force of a team than Japanese grips. They also came with higher efficiency as well. As for the time of endurance, both individuals and teams had better endurance with Europe grips than with Japanese grips. The findings concluded that Europe grips were obviously better than Japanese grips. Europe grips should be strongly recommended in training the girl tug-of-war teams of junior high schools and tug-of-war contests.



歐式握法, 日式握法, 最大拉力, 持續拉力時間, Europe grips, Japanese grips, maximal pull force, endurance





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