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本研究目的是在探討高職模具科「模具製作實習」課程實施創造思考教學對學生創造力之影響。本研究採用「不等組前後測準實驗設計」進行教學研究,研究對象選取臺北市南港高工模具科三年級忠班學生37人為實驗組,模具科三年級孝班學生33人為控制組,進行為期十二週的實驗教學。 實驗組的教學方式,是在模具製作實習課程中實施創造思考教學活動,透過創造力技法的講述與練習、發明故事與發明實例的介紹以及應用創意競賽作品的說明來激發並培養學生的創造力。控制組教學仍採用一般傳統方式教學。 在資料處理上以「拓弄思創造思考測驗」、及「吳明雄機械技術創造能力測驗」為量化評量工具,所得資料以單因子共變數分析及t考驗進行統計處理,另以研究者自編的「創意學習作業單」、「學生訪談大綱」及「學生學習反應問卷」為質化資料,兩相佐證以了解本研究實施之效果。 從研究結果中顯示: 一、實驗教學能部分提升學生在創造思考能力的表現。 排除兩組學生前測影響後,實驗組學生在「拓弄思創造思考測驗」 圖形的「流暢力」、「精進力」與語文的「獨創力」分數顯著優於控制組的學生。 二、實驗教學未能有效提升學生的機械技術創造能力 排除兩組學生前測影響後,實驗組學生在「機械技術創造能力測驗活動」的「實用性」、「流暢性」、「獨創性」、「變通性」分數均未顯著優於控制組的學生。 三、實驗組學生實習學業成就高低與創造能力的表現沒有顯著差異。 四、學生對創造力教學活動感到新奇而又有趣,並對創造力課題有進一步認識。 五、教師須營造創造力教學環境,並能將教材教法與課程及實際應用結合,以促進學生的創造力理解與應用。
The purpose of this experiment was to explore the effects of creative think instruction integrated in the mold making practice subjects on students’ creativity in Vocational High School. This study adopted the “non-equivalent pretest –posttest control group design” in quasi-experiment design. Two groups were picked up with purposive sampling method. One was an experiment group with 37 members whose practice curriculum with creative thinking instruction. The other was a control group with 33 members, who receive curriculums with conventional teaching method. The experiments had been carried out for 12 weeks. The experimental group was taught through a teaching experiment. Researcher trained the students’ creativity with the teaching activities of creative thinking. The teaching activities contained the explaining and practicing of the creativity skill, introducing the stories and examples of inventor, and illustrating the works of creative competition. The control group was taught through the traditional teaching. The assessment instruments of this study contained quantifiable methods and qualitative methods. The quantifiable methods were "Torrance creative thinking ability test" and "Wu Ming Xing machine technology to create ability test". It was used “One-way ANCOVA” and “T-test” to analyze the data.And the qualitative methods were “The creativity study work list”, “The student interview program” and “The student studies response questionnaire”. The findings of the research show as follows: 1. Students’ abilities to creative thinking can be improved partly by experimental teaching method. 2. Students’ abilities to creative mechanical technology can’t be improved by experimental teaching method. 3. The level of student achievement of "mold making practice" doesn’t show a significant effect on students’ creativity. 4. After the teaching activities, the students feel interested and excited in the course, and they have advanced knowledge on creative lessons. 5. The teachers must to make the teaching environment about creative thinking and integrate the teaching methods, the courses, and the applications to promote the advancement of students’ thinking and application.



模具製作實習, 創造思考教學, 創造力, mold making practice, creative thinking instruction, creativity





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