流行歌曲教學對英語文法結構記憶影響的效益研究 -以台灣國中學生為例

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第二語言學者常指出歌曲有助於增加學生學習動機。然而有關歌曲對增進語言能力的實證研究卻相當缺乏。因此,本研究旨在探討流行歌曲對英語文法結構記憶影響的效益,著眼於: (1) 流行歌曲的聽覺輸入對英語文法結構記憶的影響。(2) 流行歌曲中不同的聽覺輸入對英語文法結構記憶的影響。以及 (3)不同的聽覺輸入對於不同學習風格者在英語文法結構記憶的影響。 本研究以三個班共94位九年級生為對象。此三個班被隨機指派為歌唱組、朗讀組、以及控制組。並依不同學習風格,將各組內的受試者分為:聽覺學習者、視覺學習者、以及平衡學習者。實驗課程共計四週,所有組別皆閱讀四首歌曲的歌詞。而在實施方法上,歌唱組聆聽流行歌曲,朗讀組只聆聽歌曲的朗讀,而控制組則無歌詞的聽覺輸入。 研究結果顯示,流行歌曲的聽覺輸入結合了音段和旋律,有助於英語文法結構的記憶。此外,不同學習風格不會影響英語學習者對流行歌曲在文法結構上的記憶。 最後,根據研究發現,本文提出流行歌曲在英語文法結構教學上之建議以作為教學者的參考。
Researchers of second language learning have often suggested that songs are effective in motivating learners. However, empirical research investigating the effect of songs to help learners achieve higher language proficiency is sparse. Therefore, the present study intends to shed some light on the effect of pop songs on the retention of past subjunctive mood. The focus of the investigation is threefold:(1) the effect of the auditory input in pop songs on the retention of the target grammar structure in an implicit learning context, (2) the effect of different auditory inputs of songs on the retention of the target grammar structure, and (3) the effect of learners’ preferred learning styles with different treatments on the retention of the target grammar structure. The participants were 94 ninth graders from three classes. The three classes were randomly assigned as the sung group, the spoken group, and the control group. The participants in each group were further divided into auditory learners, visual learners, and balanced learners according to their preferred learning styles. During the four-week experiment, all of the groups read the lyrics of the four songs. However, the sung group listened to the songs; the spoken group listened to the spoken form of the songs (i. e. without the melody), and the control group received no additional auditory input. The results of the present study showed that pop songs did facilitate the retention of the target grammar structure. Further, the best facilitation of pop songs came from the combination of the melody and the spoken form of the lyrics rather than the spoken form alone. What’s more, regardless of learners’ preferred learning styles, the auditory input in pop songs could facilitate the retention of the target grammar structure.



流行歌曲, 學習風格, 聽覺輸入, 英語學習, Pop Songs, Learning Styles, Auditory Input, English Learning





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