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Office of Research and Development
Office of Research and Development
本研究之目的在建構我國整體性的學校環境教育指標系統,作為日後定期評估或追蹤學校環境教育實施成效及改進之標準,亦可作為政府擬定相關政策、人力預算分 配之參考。研究採用「輸入」、「過程」及「輸出」(Input-Process-Outcome)分析架構,首先藉由文獻探討、專家諮詢,擷取過去指標建 構之相關研究經驗,釐清重要之研究概念,並以現場訪談及問卷調查方式對我國各級學校推行環境教育之現況進行瞭解,再透過德懷術及專家座談等方法找出各級學 校間具有共同性及特殊性意義的環境教育指標。在本研究發展之學校環境教育指標系統中,大學院校部份共計有二十九項指標,中等學校部份共計有十九項指標,國 民小學部份共計有三十一項指標,其中各級學校共同列為重要指標的項目有「團體動力」、「系統改造」、「污染防治」、「資源管理」、「景觀規劃」、「活動規 劃與參與」與「學生素養」等七項。此研究結果顯示,行政系統的配合度對學校環境教育推動情形影響深遠,而校園環境保育的具體成果仍是評鑑學校環境教育推展 成效的重要依據,至於一向被列為環境教育重要目標的學生環境素養則可能需要進一步研發更精確且更易於實施的測量工具。
In this project we constructed a national school environmental education indicator system for Taiwan. We adopted the IPO (Input-Process-Outcome) model for analysis. First we conducted a literature review and made use of our past experience to develop indicators that could clarify important concepts in this type of research. Next, we conducted interviews and a questionnaire survey in order to understand the existing situation of environmental education at schools in Taiwan. Finally, we used the Delphi technique and expert panels to reach a consensus on meaningful indicators for evaluating Taiwan's secondary school environmental education. In this environmental education indicator system, there are 29, 19, and 31 indicators for universities, middle/high schools, and elementary schools respectively. The main indicators are "team power," "systematic reform," "pollution prevention," "resource management," "landscaping," "activities planning and participation," and "student literacy." The results indicate that cooperation within the administration system has a significant impact on the promotion of school environmental education, and that the outcomes of school environmental education can be used as an important basis for the future improvement of Taiwan's environmental education. Since greater environmental literacy of students has always been the main goal of environmental education, future research needs to develop a set of more accurate and feasible evaluation systems. It is therefore hoped that the results of this study may become important reference points for environmental teaching, research, policy-making and budgeting purposes.
In this project we constructed a national school environmental education indicator system for Taiwan. We adopted the IPO (Input-Process-Outcome) model for analysis. First we conducted a literature review and made use of our past experience to develop indicators that could clarify important concepts in this type of research. Next, we conducted interviews and a questionnaire survey in order to understand the existing situation of environmental education at schools in Taiwan. Finally, we used the Delphi technique and expert panels to reach a consensus on meaningful indicators for evaluating Taiwan's secondary school environmental education. In this environmental education indicator system, there are 29, 19, and 31 indicators for universities, middle/high schools, and elementary schools respectively. The main indicators are "team power," "systematic reform," "pollution prevention," "resource management," "landscaping," "activities planning and participation," and "student literacy." The results indicate that cooperation within the administration system has a significant impact on the promotion of school environmental education, and that the outcomes of school environmental education can be used as an important basis for the future improvement of Taiwan's environmental education. Since greater environmental literacy of students has always been the main goal of environmental education, future research needs to develop a set of more accurate and feasible evaluation systems. It is therefore hoped that the results of this study may become important reference points for environmental teaching, research, policy-making and budgeting purposes.