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「塗鴉」常指的是紙上隨意塗寫、不成熟之書寫及畫作,而本研究所指的塗鴉是符號、簽名、圖像,創作者以噴漆代替畫筆,將這種藝術形式與街頭文化和社會現狀作結合,時常是創作者表達對社會的不滿或是心情寫照的方式,塗鴉藝術起源於1960年代的紐約,經過時代的變遷,如今已發展成為具藝術性、商業性的視覺藝術。因此,本研究以塗鴉藝術作為主題,透過《Graffiti world》、《Graffiti L.A. : street styles and art》、《Sticker City-paper graffiti art》、《塗鴉鬼飛踢》四本國內外有名的書籍,還有Graffiti.org、isupportstreetart.com、 AGI(國際平面設計聯盟 Alliance Graphique Internationale)三個網站,搜集海報樣本共121件作品,使用KJ法進行分析與歸納,得到標籤塗鴉字體(Tag)、粗大字體(Block-busters)、狂野風格(Wild Style)、立體字型(3D)、立體塗鴉(3D)、卡通、漫畫形象塗鴉(Iconograph)、模板塗鴉(Stencils)、黏貼式塗鴉(Plaster)、簡單線條圖像、複雜、寫實人物圖像、照片結合文字塗鴉、多媒材塗鴉共十二種表現手法,以這些手法來進行海報創作。  創作主題為「台灣的民俗活動」,因為民俗活動可以說是台灣最有特色的文化之一,而塗鴉藝術中多種手法與豐富的色彩,還有人人都能夠接觸的這兩種特性皆與台灣富有在地色彩的民俗活動不謀而合,因此以本研究結果之十二種塗鴉手法,透過海報創作呈現老舊傳統的民俗活動,進而讓更多人重新認識台灣的民俗文化。最終經過創作實證後發現,使用照片結合手繪圖像較能夠凸顯民俗活動的樣貌,照片處理上使用黑白的網點效果、色調分離、負片效果來呈現,人物上多使用簡單線條圖像、模板塗鴉的效果來表現,較能夠強調人物的輪廓、動作,色彩上多運用黑、白、紅、黃、粉等對比強烈的色彩,將多種不同的塗鴉手法搭配電繪、手繪、照片等多種媒材來創作能夠豐富視覺的表現並賦予塗鴉藝術新的樣貌。
"Graffiti" often refers to random writings and paintings on paper, the current study refers to “Graffiti” as symbols, signatures, images. Artists use spray can to paint instead of brush, and combine street culture and social status. Artist often use this way to express dissatisfaction of society or feelings. Graffiti art originated in New York in the 1960s. it is the spirit of resistance and subculture at first, but over many years, now has developed into an artistic, commercial visual art, manypeople love it and cause a trend. So this study focus on “graffiti art”, and collected 121 posters from《Graffiti world》,《Graffiti L.A. : street styles and art》,《Sticker City-paper graffiti art》,《I love graffiti》,and Graffiti.org , isupportstreetart.com, AGI website. After using KJ method to analyze and summarize all of them, this study adopts twelve methods: “Tag”, “Bock-busters”, “Wild style”, “ 3D words”, “3D”, “Iconograph”, “Stencils”, “Plaster”, “Clear-line image” , “Complex realistic portrait”, “Photo combined with words graffiti ”, “Mixed media graffiti”.Using these twelve method to design posters.The theme of poster is"Taiwanese folk activities", because folk activities is one of Taiwan's most distinctive culture, and also very valuable. Graffiti art has so many techniques and colors, and it is an art form that everyone can participate. These two characteristics are same as Taiwanese folk activities. So using twelve methods to design posters, let people know about Taiwanese folk activities that always been forgotten. In conclusion, using more than two kinds of graffiti methods on Taiwanese folk activities can make posters’ visual effects more powerful and insightful.



民俗活動, 街頭塗鴉, 塗鴉藝術, 臺灣塗鴉, Graffiti Art, Street Graffiti, Taiwanese Graffiti, Folk Activities





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