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目的: 本研究將從運動生物力學中的運動學與肌電學探討姿勢跑法與自然跑法在跑步步態週期中的各項參數之趨勢與差異,以及利用現代實驗儀器再次驗證伸肌悖論的研究結果。方法:本研究受試者為十健康男性,分為姿勢跑法組以及自然跑法組,每組各五位。儀器使用JVC 高速攝影機、馬丁尺、Motion Capture Systems (Vicon)、 Delsys Electromyography (EMG)、Magtonic MAG-730 跑步機。結果: 整體來說與自然的跑步方式在肌肉電位訊號方面的活化百分比並無太大的差異,惟在脛前肌離地階段(推蹬期)有較為顯著的差異。在運動學方面,則在達到顯著的分別是著地瞬間的髖關節在組別及組別*速度具有交互作用,膝關節在著地瞬間的組別*速度具有交互作用,著地瞬間的踝關節在組別*速度具有交互作用,以及離地瞬間的膝關節在組別達顯著差異。結論:姿勢跑法是一套具有系統性的教學方法,但從研究結果來看,並未達到其所宣稱的效果。建議未來可以增加受試者人數以及結合測力板跑步機,加入動力學等相關參數一起研究,討論的面向將更加全面。同時,本研究以提供跑者、教練在認識、學習不同流派的跑步方法時,能在其中找到一些實證性的研究結果。
Purpose: This study will discuss the trends and differences of various parameters of the posture running method and general running method in the running gait cycle from the kinematics and electromyography in sports biomechanics, and use the modern experimental equipment to verify the extensor paradox again Research results. Methods: The subjects in this study were ten healthy males, which were divided into a posture running group and a natural running group, five in each group. The instrument uses JVC high-speed camera, Motion Capture Systems (Vicon), Delsys Electromyography (EMG), Magicton MAG-730 treadmill. Result: here is not much difference in the activation percentage of the muscle from the natural running style, but there is a more significant difference in the ground-off phase of the tibialis anterior muscle (pushing period). at the aspect of kinematics, the significant difference is the hip joint at the landing period has an interaction on the group and group* speed., the group* speed of the knee joint at the landing period has an interaction, the ankle joint at the landing has an interaction in the group* speed, and the knee joint at the push-off period the ground has significant differences in the group. Conclusion: Although pose method of running is a running system, but is not so magical during running. Recommending that the following research could combine with a force plate treadmill, and related kinetics parameters.
Purpose: This study will discuss the trends and differences of various parameters of the posture running method and general running method in the running gait cycle from the kinematics and electromyography in sports biomechanics, and use the modern experimental equipment to verify the extensor paradox again Research results. Methods: The subjects in this study were ten healthy males, which were divided into a posture running group and a natural running group, five in each group. The instrument uses JVC high-speed camera, Motion Capture Systems (Vicon), Delsys Electromyography (EMG), Magicton MAG-730 treadmill. Result: here is not much difference in the activation percentage of the muscle from the natural running style, but there is a more significant difference in the ground-off phase of the tibialis anterior muscle (pushing period). at the aspect of kinematics, the significant difference is the hip joint at the landing period has an interaction on the group and group* speed., the group* speed of the knee joint at the landing period has an interaction, the ankle joint at the landing has an interaction in the group* speed, and the knee joint at the push-off period the ground has significant differences in the group. Conclusion: Although pose method of running is a running system, but is not so magical during running. Recommending that the following research could combine with a force plate treadmill, and related kinetics parameters.
跑步, 中長跑, 運動技術, 姿勢跑法, Running, middle-distance running and long-distance running, sport technique, pose method of running