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  本研究目的在瞭解臺北縣身心障礙者就業服務人員的職業耗竭與離職傾向及兩者間的關聯。本研究採問卷調查方式進行普查,調查對象為臺北縣的身心障礙者就業服務人員(包括庇護工場職場輔導員、技術輔導員、個案管理員、社區化支持性就業服務員、政府就業服務站的身障就業服務員、勞工局職業重建管理員、高中職業輔導員等);共發出112份問卷,回收86份,其中80份有效。從研究結果我們有下列發現: 一、與若干助人工作者(如「大專輔導教師」、「國中輔導人員」)比較起來,臺北縣身心障礙就業服務人員的職業耗竭程度較高。 二、在臺北縣身心障礙就業服務人員的背景變項中,未婚/已婚/同居者的職業耗竭高於離婚/分居者;社工/心理/復健/特教相關科系畢業者的職業耗竭高於非相關畢業者;不同就業輔導模式的職業耗竭有差異;年齡與職業耗竭有負相關。 三、有近四成的受試者之離職可能機率在五成以上;學校職業輔導員全體及近三分之ㄧ的社區化支持性就業服務員已做出離(調)職決定。 四、臺北縣身心障礙就業服務人員的職業耗竭與離職意願之間有相關;學歷與「是否近期有應徵」之間有相關;就業輔導模式與「確定是否近期離(調)職」有相關;薪資與「確定是否近期離(調)職」間及與「近期是否有應徵行為」間有相關。 五、臺北縣身心障礙者就業服務人員的職業耗竭可預測其離職意願強度。   研究者另依據研究結果加以討論,並提出相關建議以供各界及未來研究參考。
The aim of this research was to collect information which will enable us to better understand the job weariness of the vocational rehabilitation specialists in Taipei County. The purposes include (1) to investigate the circumstance of job burnout and turnover intention of the vocational rehabilitation specialists in Taipei County , and also (2) to better understand some of the relationships between job burnout and turnover intention of the vocational rehabilitation specialists in Taipei County. The methodology of quantitative data collection was used in this study. The questionnaires were distributed to 112 respondants, and there were 80 valid samples from 86 returned questionnaires. Study findings included the following: 1. In comparison with those who worked as school counselors, the degree of job burnout of the vocational rehabilitation specialists in Taipei County was higher. 2. Some variables, such as the marital stasus, the professional background, the kind of job duty and the age, were significantly correlated with the degree of job burnout for the vocational rehabilitation specialists. 3. It was found that approximate 40% of the respondents showed their probability of leaving theircurrent job was over fifty percent when the survey conducted. Also, all employment specialists in senior high school and approximately one third of the job coachs in supported employment of the respondents had decided to leave their job. 4. It was found that the degree of job burnout was significantly associated with the intensity of their thought about job turnover for the vocational rehabilitation specialists in Taipei County. In addition, their highest education was significantly correlated with whether or not they had job-hunting behavior recently; the kind of job duty was significantly correlated with whether or not thay had decided to leave their job recently; the salary was significantly correlated with whether or not they had job-hunting behavior recently and whether or not thay had decided to leave their job recently. 5. Regression analysis revealed that the degree of job burnout was able to significantly predict the intensity of their thought about job turnover for the vocational rehabilitation specialists in Taipei County.



職業重建, 就業服務人員, 職業耗竭, 離職傾向, vocational rehabilitation, employment specialist, job burnout, turnover intention





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