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本研究旨在關注中國大陸在2009年與2010年對台灣進行政策性採購的事件。兩岸在2008年5月正式開展經濟制度化的合作之後,同時中國大陸也積極的對台灣進行採購活動,以表達其協助台灣經濟發展的善意。但是,政策性採購屬於非制度性的經濟政策,也往往受到政治力量的左右,並兼具「強制性」與「交易性」的經濟策略術性質。是此,兩岸既然要走向制度化的經濟合作,中國大陸為什麼要對台灣進行採購?是基於經濟合作的目的?還是在經濟議題上進行統戰?抑或是累積經濟制約的能量? 近年來,既有文獻對於政策性採購的研究主要分為兩個面向:第一、以國內經濟發展為主。其目標為發展國內的經濟能力,並透過採購先進國家的設備與技術,進而提升國內產業在國際上的競爭力;第二、拓展政治影響力。其目標為:提升在國際上的正面形象、增加在國際組織內的影響力,以及提高對其他國的交叉利益。因此,政府透過採購政策的制定,在經濟上有助於國家內部的經濟發展並擴展國際市場;在對外政治上則具有外交政策的延伸效果。而本研究認為,在特殊的兩岸關係背景下,中國大陸政府為兼顧政治目標與國內經濟發展,在採購政策的執行過程中,會依照其政經目標的改變而調整採購政策的經濟策略術性質,有效的將政治與經濟議題連結與分離進一步達成其特定的目標。
This thesis aims to discuss the China’s Procurement Policies to Taiwan in 2009 and 2010.Since Taiwan and Mainland China launched economically institutionalized cooperation in May 2008, Mainland China has been active with procurement to Taiwan in order to provide friendly assistance for Taiwanese economic development. However, institutionalized procurement also means “non-institutionalized” economic policy, which is frequently influenced by political power and meanwhile includes economic strategies, “coercive” and “exchange”. Therefore, why does China Mainland adopt activities of procurement to Taiwan since Taiwan and China are aiming to institutionally economic cooperation? Is it because of a purpose of economic cooperation, united front in economic issues or accumulating the energy of economic restriction? In recent years, the current literatures toward research of policy procurement basically divide into two dimensions: one mainly targets on the development of domestic economy, which aims to develop economic capability in the country and strength competence of domestic industries in the globe by purchasing facilities and techniques in Western countries. The other is to build up the political influence, which aims to promote positive image on international, increase influences among international organizations and enhance cross-profits to other countries. Hence, the government formulates procurement policies would be helpful to develop economy in the country as well as to expand international market. This causes extending effects in diplomatic policies when it comes to foreign politics. The study reckons, under the unique political circumstance between Taiwan and China Mainland, Chinese government will adjust procurement policies according to changes of political and economic goals, in order to give consideration to political goals and economic development in the country when executing the whole process of procurement policies, which will effectively leads political and economic issues to reach a specific goal.



採購, 經濟策略術, 經濟合作, 經濟統戰, 經濟制約, Procurement, Economic Statecraft, Economic Cooperation, Economical United Front, Economic Restriction





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