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摘 要 本研究主要目的在於瞭解國中生菸害知識、菸害態度、拒菸自我效能與吸菸行為意向之探討,以及相互關係。採用問卷調查法,以台北市某國中一、二、三年級學生為研究對象,共發出問卷524份,回收有效問卷523份。 研究結果發現如下: 1.研究對象曾經有過吸菸經驗或目前吸菸者約一成(11.8%)。 2.大多數研究對象有正確的菸害知識。 3.菸品廣告訊息來源主要為雜誌(65.1%)最常見到;其次菸盒佔62.6%。另外電視或電影中看見劇情人物吸菸佔的比例各是26.7%及20.2%。 4.研究對象的菸害知識、菸害態度、重要他人的反菸態度、菸品廣告態度與吸菸行為意向有顯著正相關。 5.研究對象之拒菸自我效能方面,能夠有自信的採取拒菸行為。 6.預測國中生吸菸行為意向重要變項,依序以「菸害態度」、「菸品廣告態度」、「畢業後就讀學校」、「拒菸自我效能」最具影響力,可以有效預測吸菸行為意向。 依據研究結果,對國中教師提出一些建議。 關鍵字:菸害知識、菸害態度、拒菸自我效能、吸菸行為意向
ABSTRACT The purposes of this study were to investigate smoking knowledge, the smoking attitudes, the self-efficacy of anti-smoking, the smoking behavior intention of junior high school students in Taipei, and the relationships of each other. Questionnaire survey was used in this study. The sample was selected from the students of one Junior High School in Taipei. The grades of the students were Grade 7, 8, and 9. The 523 students out of 524 samples completed the questionnaire. The main findings of this study were as follows: (1)The 11.8 percent of the samples had smoking experience . (2)Most of the samples had correct knowledge of tobacco. (3)The main sources of the cigarette advertisement were magazines 65.1% , and cigarette box 62.6%. (4)The smoking knowledge, the smoking attitudes, anti-smoking attitudes of important persons and the attitudes of cigarette advertisement showed positive relationships with smoking behavioral intention. (5)The positive self-efficacy could promote the anti-smoking behaviors. (6)The factors that influenced the smoking behaviors of the junior high school students were smoking attitudes, cigarette advertisement attitudes, person of smoking status, and self-efficacy. According to the results, the researcher provided some suggestions for the teachers of Junior High School in Taipei. Keywords: smoking knowledge, smoking attitudes, self-efficacy of anti-smoking, smoking behavioral intention



菸害知識, 菸害態度, 拒菸自我效能, 吸菸行為意向, smoking knowledge, smoking attitudes, self-efficacy of anti-smoking, smoking behavioral intention





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