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面對突如其來的轉變或是低潮,往往會造成當事者的心理危機,但這樣的危機同時也是個轉機。卡爾‧古斯塔夫‧榮格(Carl Gustav Jung,1875-1961)為分析心理學的創始者,他提出了「情結」的概念。自我會將無法接受的心理內容壓抑進潛意識,類似的情感聚集並糾結成各式各樣的情結。一旦情結聚集的能量愈來愈大,就會在某個時間點爆發造成情緒失控,甚至是心理創傷。重創之後,懂得深化自己的感受性,提升自我覺察的能力,讓意識與潛意識交融整合,就能讓人格發展有更寬闊的視野,達到心靈的富足與成長,邁向自性實現。本研究先就榮格提出的心靈層級、情結與心理創傷之相關內容進行文獻分析,再根據深度訪談,針對十位曾尋求心理諮商的受訪者蒐集心理創傷所帶來的情緒和感受,並透過本研究於Artnet上收集到188件表達內心情感的新表現主義(Neo expressionism)風格插畫,進行溝通與探究更具體的心境畫面、構圖和色彩,依此進行後續情結三階段的12幅關於心理創傷的插畫創作。經由本研究分析與創作得到的結論為:1. 理解情結的生成及運作有助於梳理內心;2. 透過質性訪談了解人們所經歷的心理創傷;3. 以插畫形式詮釋心理議題,能讓創作者與觀者檢視自己的心理狀態。本研究藉由作品展出激起大眾對心理狀態的深思與重視,並且透過插畫的畫面呈現引起觀者的共鳴,理解受創者的心理狀態。本研究可作為後續相關主題探討之參考,亦可作為日後插畫創作者之心理題材、表現手法以及內容脈絡的依據。
Facing life's sudden changes or lows often triggers a psychological crisis, which can also be seen as an opportunity for transformation. Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), the founder of analytical psychology, introduced the concept of "Complex." The ego tends to repress unacceptable psychological contents into the subconscious, where they form clusters of emotions known as complexes. When these complexes accumulate energy, they may erupt, causing emotional turmoil and potential psychological trauma.However, enduring such trauma can deepen sensitivity and self-awareness, leading to the integration of consciousness and the subconscious, fostering personal growth and self-realization. This study first conducts a literature analysis of the concepts related to Jung's theories of the levels of the psyche, complex, and psychological trauma. Subsequently, based on in-depth interviews, emotional experiences and feelings resulting from psychological trauma are collected from ten participants who have sought psychological counseling. Additionally, this research utilizes 188 pieces of Neo Expressionism-style illustrations collected from Artnet to facilitate communication and exploration of more specific mental images, compositions, and colors. Following this, 12illustrations about psychological trauma are created in the three stages of the complex, as a result. The conclusions drawn from this study, through analysis and artistic creation, are as follows: 1. Understanding the formation and operation of complexes helps to organize one's inner emotions. 2. Qualitative interviews are employed to gain insights into individuals' experiences of psychological trauma. 3. Interpreting psychological issues through the medium of illustration allows both creators and viewers to examine their own psychological states. This study aims to arouse deep reflection and awareness among the general public regarding psychological states through the presentation of artworks. Additionally, it seeks to evoke resonance among viewers through the visual medium of illustration, fostering a better understanding of the psychological states experienced by those who have endured trauma. This research can serve as a reference for future investigations into related topics and as a foundation for the psychological subject matter, artistic techniques, and contextual content for future illustrators.



心理創傷, 情結, 插畫, 榮格, Psychological Trauma, Complex, Illustration, Jung





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