
dc.description.abstract隨著傳播科技的進步,媒體已是兒青族獲得資訊、形塑觀點的重要來源。因此,媒體素養教育益形重要。我國教育部於2002年10月24日公佈《媒體素養教育政策白皮書》,但在教育現場僅有少數關切媒體素養議題之國小教師進行相關教學。過去相關研究大多探討教師之媒體素養認知、實施現況或是兒青族之媒體識讀能力,針對媒體素養教育可能成效之研究並不多,就媒體素養種子教師實施媒體素養教育成效之觀察更是有限。 本研究採實驗教學方式,透過財團法人媒體識讀教育基金會之協助,以媒體素養種子教師及其班級(23人)為實驗組,以同校同年級(五年級)之班級(23人)為控制組,採質量兼具方法探索媒體素養教育之實施與成效。研究發現,媒體素養種子教師使用的教學方式係採獨立課程進行,教學方法主要以講述教學法、詰問法以及學童分享等方式進行。教材方面,媒體素養種子教師主要以報紙為教材,輔以電影、新聞片段、廣告及網路資料等。在教學成效部分,實驗組學童在課後訪談中,表現具備媒體素養能力。而在媒體素養量表方面,實驗組學童接受媒體素養教育後,於「媒體素養能力」總分、「瞭解媒體訊息內容」及「分析媒體組織」方面有明顯進步。實驗組與控制組學童相較,前者也明顯在「媒體素養能力」總分及「分析媒體組織」能力上高於後者。 本研究亦探究學童對報紙、電視、網路、雜誌及廣播等五大媒體之使用行為和態度。使用行為包括「是否使用該媒體」、「使用時數」及「使用日數」等,態度包括「相信程度」、「重要程度」、「使用頻率」及「主要資訊來源」。研究發現,實驗組學童接受媒體素養教育後,其媒體使用行為並無顯著差異。在對媒體的態度方面,實驗組學童在接受媒體素養教育後,對電視內容之相信程度明顯下降,此與媒體素養種子教師使用電視說明新聞廣告化等媒體商業意涵可能有關。另外,媒體對學童的重要程度方面亦有差異。媒體素養教學後,電視取代網路成為對實驗組學童最重要之媒體,網路及廣播之重要性則減低。整體而言,實驗組學童對五大媒體之排列皆以電視為首,網路居次,報紙第三。此顯示,電視對兒童仍具有一定的重要性。 質化研究方面,本研究透過課程觀察、課後訪談及學習單之分析,瞭解學童對媒體素養教育的反應及是否培養了相關媒體素養能力。研究發現,學童較喜愛具實用性、趣味性及可帶來新知之媒體題材,也較喜歡互動多的教學方式。媒體素養能力方面,學童在「瞭解媒體訊息內容」之學習成效較佳。例如,在辨識媒介呈現內容的刻板印象、媒介呈現內容與社會真實的關係及解讀媒介再現背後潛藏的意識型態等方面,實驗組學童都有一定程度的理解,表現出相關媒體素養能力。另外,在「分析媒體組織」部分,學童的訪談內容也顯示能瞭解媒體組織所有權對呈現資訊的可能影響。這指出,本研究質量之研究發現互相呼應,媒體素養種子教師實施之媒體素養教育,有助於培養學童之媒體素養能力。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWith the advances in communication technologies, the mass media have become the main source for adolescents and children to acquire information and shape viewpoints. Media literacy education has become increasingly important. Although the Ministry of Education in Taiwan announced “The Government’s Media Literacy White Paper” on October 24, 2002, only a small number of concerned teachers teach media literacy in elementary schools. Also, past studies most focus on examining teachers’ viewpoints of media literacy, the implementation of media literacy education, or adolescents’ media literacy ability. Not many studies examine the effectiveness of media literacy education. Research focuses on the effectiveness of the media literacy education by Seed Teachers of Media Literacy is even limited. This study used an experimental teaching method and through the assistance of Media Literacy Center, cooperated with a Seed Teacher of Media Literacy to conduct the teaching experiment. It takes the Seed Teacher‘s class as the experimental group (n = 23), and the other one of the same fifth grade as the control group (n = 23). This study used both quantitative and qualitative methods to examine the implementation and effectiveness of media literacy education. Result shows that the Seed Teacher of Media Literacy used an independent curriculum to implement media literacy education and used didactic instruction, Socratic questioning, and students’ sharing as teaching methods. The Seed Teacher mainly used newspapers as teaching materials, supplemented by films, TV news clips, advertising and information from the Internet. As to teaching effectiveness, students of the experimental group show media literacy abilities in after-class interviews. After media literacy education, the experimental group students also show significant progress in the total media literacy score, especially in the dimensions of "understanding the content of media messages" and "analysis of media organizations". Compared with the control group students, the experimental group students show significantly higher scores in the media literacy scale and the dimension of "analysis of the media organization". This study also examined the students’ media use behavior and their attitudes toward different types of media. Results show that after receiving media literacy education, the experimental group students show no significant difference in their media use pattern. But some of their attitudes toward the media have changed. For the experimental group students, the credibility of TV content has significant decreased. This may be related to the fact that the Seed Teacher of Media Literacy used TV news clips as teaching materials to demonstrate commercialization of TV news content. The importance of the media for the students has also changed. After media literacy education, TV replaced the Internet as the most important media for the experimental group students, and the Internet and broadcasting become less important. The top three important media for the experimental group are as follows: TV, the Internet, and newspaper. This indicates that TV still plays an important role for children. As the Seed Teacher of Media Literacy of this study did not only use newspapers but also used many TV news clips as teaching materials, this may increase the important of TV for children. As to findings from qualitative research, this study used classroom observations, after-class interviews and worksheets to examine students’ reactions to media literacy education and their related abilities. Results show that, students prefer pragmatic and interesting topics with new information and welcome interactive teaching methods. As to media literacy abilities, students of the experimental group show progress in "understanding the content of media messages". They are also good at identifying media stereotypes, explaining the relationships between media content and social realities, and interpreting the ideologies behind media representations. In the "analysis of media organizations," students of the experimental group also can understand effects of media ownership on media content. Overall, results from the quantitative and qualitative analyses of this study both indicate that the media literacy education implemented by the Seed Teacher of Media Literacy have effects on children’s media literacy abilities.en_US
dc.subjectMedia literacyen_US
dc.subjectMedia literacy educationen_US
dc.subjectSeed teacheren_US
dc.subjectEffects of Media Literacy Educationen_US
dc.titleEffects of Media Literacy Education by a Seed Teacher of Media Literacyen_US

