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本研究指在瞭解消費者在健康檢查後對健康管理服務的需求,以行銷策略探討消費者對各種健康管理服務的需求,進而了解消費者對健康管理的需要,採自編問卷收集資料,有效樣本共347人,回收率為87%。本研究之重要結果如下: 一、健康管理服務需求分布情況,在產品服務需求偏好追蹤服務和客製化服務;通路服務需求偏好手機簡訊;對於推廣服務的需求偏低;對需額外付費的意願皆不高,僅有28.9%的人願意付費使用,其願意付費使用的費用僅為新台幣500元以下。 二、在社會人口學與健康管理服務需求之間關係的研究結果發現,女性偏好健康管理平台、網際網路的推廣服務;年齡越大,對追蹤提醒、網際網路推廣的需求越高。收入越高,對客制化服務、追蹤提醒、衛教訊息、網際網路推廣的需求越高。 三、在健康行為與健康管理服務需求之間關係的研究結果發現,不吸菸者較願意為健康管理付出金錢和時間等服務代價;運動時間越長者,對健康管理服務需求越高,越願意為服務付出更多金錢和時間等代價。 四、在疾病史與健康管理服務需求之間關係的研究結果發現,有疾病史者對追蹤提醒和轉介服務的產品服務需求較高。有疾病史中除高血壓外,其餘疾病史對健康管理服務需求不顯著。 五、研究對象的背景變象對於健康管理服務需求的預測上,包括性別、學歷、職業、健康行為、疾病史和健檢動機。
The aim of this project is to use marketing analysis to assess and understand the needs for follow-up and after-sales services of customers of health management services. We sent a questionnaire to 400 customers of health management services, asking questions that will inform on the type of after-sales services, they would like, how they would like those services to be delivered, and how much they would be ready to pay for these services. We got back 347 questionnaires that met the criteria to be used in our study. The results show that there is little demand for service extension, with diet counseling and OPD follow-up notification usually mentioned as a possible add on. Moreover, only 28.9 percent of the respondents said that were willing to pay for service extension and only if the cost doesn’t exceed NT 500. Socio-demographic analysis of the answers shows a difference in the way groups assess the need and the preferred delivery of after-sale services. Female customers, older customers, and customers with higher income are more interested in receiving these services. Those who exercise regularly and those who smoke are also more likely to be interested in follow up services. There is no indication that those who consume alcohol are more interested in follow-up services. It comes as no surprise that those with a history of medical condition like high blood pressure and diabetes are more interested in follow-up services.



健康檢查, 健康管理, 行銷策略, Health Checkup, Health Management, Health Marketing Strategies





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