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Office of Research and Development
Office of Research and Development
英語教學即將從國小實施,師資培育、研習、實驗課程都如火如荼展開,而接續國小英語教學的國中英語教學工作,因聯考包袱的去除與九年一貫的即將施行,有了 改變的契機。全語言教學在國外風行一時,如何本土化應用在國中英語教學上,是本研究所關心的重要課題。本研究的研究目的如下: 一、發展出適用於國中英語科的全語言教學。 二、探究全語言教學的適用性與可行性,並在施行過程中找出實施的瓶頸,以作為實務上的參考。 三、探討全語言教學與傳統教學學生在英語學習動機、英語學習策略與班級氣氛上是否有差異。 四、利用檔案評量,呈現學生學習歷程與自省的經驗。 本研究的結果如下: 一、全語言教學組與傳統教學組的學生在英語學習動機有顯著差異。 二、全語言教學組與傳統教學組的學生在英語學習策略有顯著差異。 三、全語言教學組與傳統教學組的學生在班級氣氛上有顯著差異。 四、檔案評量內容可以看出,學生在自省與學習方面的進步、對教學的意見與家長的參與。 此外,根據研究結果,提出一些相關的建議。
The study was conducted to (a)develop a model of whole language teaching that is suitable for junior high English classes; (b)compare the differences between whole language and traditional teaching in terms of English learning motivation, English learning strategies, and classroom climate; (c)look into the difficulties in the teaching process and suggest ways to solve the problems; and (d)demonstrate and evaluate students' learning process through portfolio assessment. 69 1st-grade students(2 classes) selected from Kuan-Rung Junior High School in Taichung county, served as the subjects of the study, with one class as the experimental group and the other as the control group. The subjects were required to respond to "English Learning Motivation Inventory", "English Learning Strategy Inventory", and "Classroom Climate Inventory" questionnaires. The findings were as follows: (a)There was difference in terms of English learning motivation between the two groups; (b)There was difference in terms of English learning strategies between the two groups; and (c)there was difference in terms of classroom climate between the two groups as well. Additionally, this study offered some suggestions for the implementation of whole language teaching and showed parts of the samples of portfolio assessment.
The study was conducted to (a)develop a model of whole language teaching that is suitable for junior high English classes; (b)compare the differences between whole language and traditional teaching in terms of English learning motivation, English learning strategies, and classroom climate; (c)look into the difficulties in the teaching process and suggest ways to solve the problems; and (d)demonstrate and evaluate students' learning process through portfolio assessment. 69 1st-grade students(2 classes) selected from Kuan-Rung Junior High School in Taichung county, served as the subjects of the study, with one class as the experimental group and the other as the control group. The subjects were required to respond to "English Learning Motivation Inventory", "English Learning Strategy Inventory", and "Classroom Climate Inventory" questionnaires. The findings were as follows: (a)There was difference in terms of English learning motivation between the two groups; (b)There was difference in terms of English learning strategies between the two groups; and (c)there was difference in terms of classroom climate between the two groups as well. Additionally, this study offered some suggestions for the implementation of whole language teaching and showed parts of the samples of portfolio assessment.