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Hui-Chan Tsai
Huei-Min WU

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Department of Educational Psychology, NTNU


相關研究指出,常在文本中加入人與教材主題相闕,但又與教材主要學習內容無關的趣味性內容時,會對學習產生負面影響,此即所謂「誘人細節效應 」關圓形組體的相關研究指1 1\圓形組儒對學習有r! ':II'J 舵響,木研究日在探討在火:木(T) [1 1 力II 人「誘人細節(SO )j 與I 圓形和1體(GO)j 及其友,但1m學習成,效、學習興趣與閱讀火木時間的影響。本研究採實驗研究法,將207 位國小凹{f.級學生隨機分派為六側,分別的:趣味純1 (SO+T)、趣味前置圖把組體制l(SO+GO+T)、趣1J;,j(筱們倒l 形刺骨想*I i (SO+T+GO) 、:It木i叩門圓形結l體組(GO+T)、基本能ff可圓形組體組(T+GO) 與抖,市IJ車Ii (Control) ,各細觀看(閱讀)完教材後,受試者依序進行學佇興趣量表與學習成奴役~!IJ的填抖。研究結果顯示:( I )加l 入誘人細節確實會降低學習成效。(2 )在有誘人細節的情況|、'的俏幽形科l體雖有助提昇學習成斂,但並無法完全消除誘人細節效應o(3 )加入誘人細節對學佇興趣無顯著影響。(4 )圳人請人細節會使學習者花費在閱讀正艾文本的時間減少υ
Previous studies have reported that the inclusion of interesting details that are related but not directly relevant to the learning material (i.e. seductive details) was often at the expense of learning important or target material. The major purposes of the present study were to examine whether the use of graphic organizer (GO) would eliminate the seductive details effects and whether the inclusion of seductive details (SD) had a positive effect on students' learning interest and learning time. The participants were 207 fourth grade students. The target learning material was a passage (T) about insects. The participants were randomly assigned to one of the following conditions: (a) watched a video, and then read the target material (SD+T), (b) viewed a graphic organizer, and then watched a video followed by reading the target material (SD+GOtT), (c) watched a video, and then read the target material followed by viewing a graphic organizer (SD+T+GO), (d) viewed a graphic organizer followed by reading the target material (GO+T), (e) read the target material followed by viewing a graphic organizer (T+GO), or (f) only read the target material (Control). After reading the passage, students completed a learning interest scale and a quiz. The major findings are as follows: First, the present study supported the seductive details effect (i.e. including interesting but not directly relevant details hindered learners' reading comprehension). Second, the inclusion of graphic organizers mitigated but did not eliminate the seductive-details effect. Third, providing seductive details had no significant effect on learning interest. Finally, the inclusion of seductive details led to less time committed to read the target material.






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