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摘 要 本研究目的在探討高中田徑、游泳、籃球、舞蹈及一般生的運動覺,每項目選手及一般生各40人,全部共計200名為受試對象。全體平均年齡、身高、體重分別為18.30±0.70歲、166.66±7.46公分與61.10±7.33公斤,參加專長運動訓練三年以上,利用自製角度圖,測驗肩關節角度90°定位、肘關節角度45°定位、膝關節角度45°定位與30公分分腿距離定位等四項。所得資料,透過SPSS 12.0版,以單因子變異數分析 (one-way ANOVA) 檢定各組運動覺測驗的差異情形。結果如下: (一)膝關節角度45°定位與30公分分腿距離定位測驗表現,各組間未達顯著差異。 (二)肩關節90°定位測驗的表現,組間差異達顯著水準,經事後比較田徑、游泳、籃球等項目選手運動覺的表現顯著優於一般生。 (三)肘關節角度45°定位測驗的表現,組間差異達顯著水準,經事後比較田徑、游泳項目選手運動覺的表現顯著優於一般生。 關鍵詞:運動覺、高中運動選手
Abstract The study aimed to investigate kinesthesia of high school swimming, track and field, basketball athletes and dancers. Two hundred subjects, 40 non-athlete students and 40 athletes in each sport, with average age, weight and height of 18.30±0.70 years old, 166.66±7.46 cm, and 61.10±7.33 kg respectively were recruited to the study. Deviations of 90-degree shoulder joint positioning, 45-degree elbow joint positioning, 45-degree knee joint positioning and 30 cm-apart feet positioning were evaluated to compare the kinesthesia of each group. The collected data were analyzed by SPSS 12.0. One-way ANOVA was employed to test the significance of differences of kinesthesia among each group. The main findings of this study were: 1) No significant differences appeared in the kinesthesia of 45-degree knee joint positioning and 30 cm-apart feet positioning among each group; 2) Kinesthesia of 90-degree shoulder joint positioning of track and field, swimming and basketball athletes were significantly better than non-athlete student group; and 3) Kinesthesia of 45-degree elbow joint positioning of track and field, and swimming groups were significantly better than non-athlete student group. However, no significant differences were found in athletes among different kind of investigated sports. Key words: kinesthesia, athletes in high school



運動覺, 高中運動選手, Kinesthesia, Athletes in high school

