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Abstract The purpose of this research is to understand how teenage girls, who, according to Child and Youth Sexual Transaction Prevention Act, entered an emergent and temporary placement center, shared their experiences in retrospect and the influence of such experiences on their life after being released. This qualitative research was conducted by using in-depth interview method targeted the ten teenage girls who have left the placement center for at least three months. The results are required as follows: 1. Before entering the placement center, these girls, due to their lack of knowledge about the entire procedure and the center itself, felt scared and anxious, imaging that they would be sent to “a prison” or “a place with less freedom.” In the beginning of their staying, the isolated facilities make them feel imprisoned. After they grew used to the pattern of living as a group, such feeling of imprisonment was relieved. While waiting for the court’s ruling as to where to go afterwards, these girls were living under such great anxiety and insecurity that they even thought about escaping, and some did run away. 2. These girls have experienced both positive learning and negative feeling in the isolated environment of the placement center. From a positive perspective, the center has offered them a place to stay without worrying about how to make a living, a place to reflect upon themselves in tranquility, a place that helps their relationship with parents, a place that improves their interpersonal relationship, and a place that adjusts their values. From a negative perspective, the center decides their next step, deprives them of freedom and contact with the outside world, makes them encounter pressure as well as sense of insecurity among small groups, and lacks flexible daily routines. 3. The influence of the placement center after the girls left: To most of these girls, such placement experiences have become an unspeakable secret. In terms of choice of occupation, they now tend to seek jobs based on the mainstream values. In terms of education, they now want to gain diplomas based on the mainstream expectations. After returning home, all of them have improved their relationship with parents as what they have experienced in the center. 4. The girls’ suggestions for the placement center: They hope the center can increase the chance to meet their parents and that the center can reduce their sense of insecurity as well as control from the authority upon their arrival. They also hope the center can improve the flexibility of their daily routines. 5. The girls’ interpretation of the placement center: They consider the emergent and temporary placement center a kind of “protective intervention.” According to the findings of this research, some suggestions are made to establish a friendlier environment for girls in the placement center. First, the center should, in the beginning, provide the girls with sense of security and build up a trustworthy relationship with them. Second, the center should allow more empowerment for the girls in terms of their daily routines and course design. Third, the center should arrange both qualitative and quantitative interaction between the girls and their parents. Fourth, the center should offer multiple kinds of intervention after the girls finish their term. Last but not least, the center should adopt a more empathetic attitude toward the girls’ attempt to escape. Keywords: sexual transaction, misfortunate female adolescence, financial-aid by sex on the Internet, placement center
Abstract The purpose of this research is to understand how teenage girls, who, according to Child and Youth Sexual Transaction Prevention Act, entered an emergent and temporary placement center, shared their experiences in retrospect and the influence of such experiences on their life after being released. This qualitative research was conducted by using in-depth interview method targeted the ten teenage girls who have left the placement center for at least three months. The results are required as follows: 1. Before entering the placement center, these girls, due to their lack of knowledge about the entire procedure and the center itself, felt scared and anxious, imaging that they would be sent to “a prison” or “a place with less freedom.” In the beginning of their staying, the isolated facilities make them feel imprisoned. After they grew used to the pattern of living as a group, such feeling of imprisonment was relieved. While waiting for the court’s ruling as to where to go afterwards, these girls were living under such great anxiety and insecurity that they even thought about escaping, and some did run away. 2. These girls have experienced both positive learning and negative feeling in the isolated environment of the placement center. From a positive perspective, the center has offered them a place to stay without worrying about how to make a living, a place to reflect upon themselves in tranquility, a place that helps their relationship with parents, a place that improves their interpersonal relationship, and a place that adjusts their values. From a negative perspective, the center decides their next step, deprives them of freedom and contact with the outside world, makes them encounter pressure as well as sense of insecurity among small groups, and lacks flexible daily routines. 3. The influence of the placement center after the girls left: To most of these girls, such placement experiences have become an unspeakable secret. In terms of choice of occupation, they now tend to seek jobs based on the mainstream values. In terms of education, they now want to gain diplomas based on the mainstream expectations. After returning home, all of them have improved their relationship with parents as what they have experienced in the center. 4. The girls’ suggestions for the placement center: They hope the center can increase the chance to meet their parents and that the center can reduce their sense of insecurity as well as control from the authority upon their arrival. They also hope the center can improve the flexibility of their daily routines. 5. The girls’ interpretation of the placement center: They consider the emergent and temporary placement center a kind of “protective intervention.” According to the findings of this research, some suggestions are made to establish a friendlier environment for girls in the placement center. First, the center should, in the beginning, provide the girls with sense of security and build up a trustworthy relationship with them. Second, the center should allow more empowerment for the girls in terms of their daily routines and course design. Third, the center should arrange both qualitative and quantitative interaction between the girls and their parents. Fourth, the center should offer multiple kinds of intervention after the girls finish their term. Last but not least, the center should adopt a more empathetic attitude toward the girls’ attempt to escape. Keywords: sexual transaction, misfortunate female adolescence, financial-aid by sex on the Internet, placement center
性交易, 不幸少女, 網絡援交, 安置機構, sexual transaction, misfortunate female adolescence, financial-aid by sex on the Internet, placement center