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依據人口推估,我國將於2025年邁入超高齡社會,最近一期老人狀況調查統計,高齡者對生活中最擔心的事務在於「自己的健康問題」,而衛福部國健署資料指出,我國老人的疾病盛行率以慢性病為主,平均80%的老人罹患至少一種慢性病。據文獻回顧,規律運動是當前最方便且有效的預防保健方法,且高齡者的身體健康程度、社交活動品質與幸福感呈現正相關,而支持建成區高齡者自主維持規律活動或運動、社交之場域,以公共開放空間的公園綠地與校園為主。  我國都計法規範了公園設置之必須與數量原則,以及對公園綠地之檢討標準,然而研究指出,我國建成環境的公園綠地在區位規劃上,缺少配合的設置條件,以致在空間分佈上產生不均的現象,而未能配合人口密集區之分佈,導致都市公園可及性存在區位上的差異。  本研究藉由地理空間分析的探索式研究,以高齡人口分布為依變數,探討與促進高齡健康場域等各項研究自變數之空間關聯性。藉由全臺近年高齡人口熱區的分布形態選出臺北市、桃園市兩處直轄市作為研究區,繼之分別透過四個研究年度探討兩處研究區的促進高齡健康場域時空分布。   研究分析,對於臺北市而言,醫療量能反映出相對促進高齡健康場域,更穩定且更強的影響高齡人口分布;而對於桃園市而言,醫療量能相對促進高齡健康場域,依然具有更強的影響力,但卻相對不是均質的影響因素。若從促使高齡成功老化的角度探討,以更佳的近便性再檢視公園綠地之類有效促進高齡健康的公共開放場域,並藉由地區的新闢發展或更新建設調整此類空間布局,應是可加以著墨並持續研究探討之處。
According to demographic estimates, our country will enter a super-aged society in 2025. The statistics of the most recent survey on the status of the elderly shows the most worries about the elderly in their lives are"health issues." The data from the Health Promotion Administration of the Ministry of Health and Welfare indicates the prevalence of diseases among the elderly in our country is dominated by chronic diseases. On average, 80% of elderly people suffer from at least one chronic illness. According to the literature review, regular exercise is currently the most convenient and effective preventive health care method. Also, the health of the elderly, the quality of social activities, and sense of happiness are positively correlated. Therefore, it supports the elderly in built-up areas to independently maintain regular activities, sports, and social fields, mainly in public open space parks and campuses.Our country's Urban Planning Law regulates the principles of the necessity and quantity of parks and the review standards for parks and green spaces. However, studies have pointed out that our country's built-environmental parks and green spaces lack matching conditions for location planning. As a result, uneven spatial distribution occurs, which fails to match the distribution of densely populated areas. In addition, it leads to regional differences in the accessibility of urban parks. Thisresearch uses exploratory research of geospatial analysis, taking the distribution of the elderly population as the dependent variable. This study explores the spatial correlation of various research independent variables such as the promotion of the elderly health fields. Based on the distribution pattern of the hottest elderly population areas in Taiwan in recent years, two municipalities, Taipei City and Taoyuan City, were selected as the study areas. Through four research years, this study has explored the temporal and spatial distribution of the health promotion fields in the two research areas.According to research and analysis, medical capacity of Taipei City reflects the relative health promotion fields for the elderly and has a more stable and more substantial impact on the distribution of the elderly population. As for Taoyuan City, medical capacity has a more decisive influence on the relative health promotion fields for the elderly, but it is relatively not a homogeneous influencing factor. From the perspective of promoting the successful aging of the elderly, re-examining the public open fields such as parks and green spaces that effectively promote the health of the elderly with better accessibility and adjusting the spatial layout through the area's new development or renewal construction should be notable issues and worth continuous study and discussion.



促進高齡健康場域, 空間自相關, 熱區分析, 地理加權迴歸, Elderly Health Improving Space, Spatial Auto-correlation, Hot-spot Analysis, Geographically Weighted Regression





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