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本研究旨在探討康德和布洛的美感經驗論,並依據其原理創造出「修正式孤立主義取向的課程與教學觀」,強調在教學時運用純藝術的重要性,進而使教學藝術化,為學生創造美感的學習經驗。 為達成上述目的,本研究首先運用分析哲學方法探析康德的無涉利害說,並以「心距光譜論」來探討布洛的心理距離說。次以孤立主義立場的無涉利害說和心距說,並採取類比的方法,描繪了富美感的課程與教學中的美感經驗,推衍出康德式的課程與教學觀、心距說的課程與教學觀,並為建構修正式孤立主義取向的課程美學觀和教學藝術觀,提供適切的建言。 研究成果可歸結為幾個要點: 一、康德的無涉利害說採取嚴格的美感規準,布洛的心距說可避免其過於嚴格的傾向而使之較易實現。 二、無涉利害說的核心也是最為困難之處,乃在於美感認知過程的理解,尤其是共通感如何統合快感、想像力和理解力的問題。心距說的理論核心也是最為困難之處,乃在如何運用「距離的二律背反」原則,以描繪「拉近」和「拉遠」的超離過程。 三、康德式的課程美學觀是由「課程目的觀」、「課程知識觀」、「藝文課程觀」、「潛在課程觀」以及「壯美課程觀」五個面向所建構而成。康德式的教學藝術觀在教學上,注重無目的、無涉利害的態度,並且在教學上採用具共通感的教學方法,在評量上著重課堂上學生實際反應的質性評量。 四、心距說的教學藝術觀可彌補康德式的教學藝術觀實踐上的困難。富美感的課程設計有賴於教師具備課程選擇與組織的持距能力,並採取「締造觀」和「相互調適觀」的「混合觀」,教學的持距能力展現了距離美。 五、修正式孤立主義取向的教學藝術觀在教學中凸顯純藝術的重要性,並以脈絡主義取向的教學藝術觀補足其缺失。 本研究根據上述結論提出了一些建議,其主要內容為:一、修正式孤立主義取向的課程美學觀和教學藝術觀之建構,有助於教師採取無涉利害的立場,培養學生「整全的人」之完整人格;二、無論康德或布洛的美感經驗論,運用在欣賞教學法時皆無法清楚說明想像力的作用;三、修正式孤立主義取向的課程美學觀和教學藝術觀之建構,可進一步進行教材教法的開發工作;四、在師資培育上,可將教師實習當作教學藝術習藝之過程,教師證視為教學藝術工作證。
This research is devoted to explore Kant’s and Bullough’s theories of aesthetic experience and to create a revised approach of curriculum and teaching of isolationism accordingly, emphasizing on incorporating fine art in teaching and the importance of artistry of teaching. To achieve such goal, the research first utilizes the techniques of analytical philosophy to perform an analysis on Kant’s theory of disinterestedness and based on my design, the distance spectrum, I further study Bullough’s theory of psychical distance. The construction of Kantist curriculum design and teaching and the psychical distance theory of curriculum design and teaching are based upon two theories: the theories of disinterestedness and psychical distance in isolationism. In addition, the construction also incorporates an analogy method to depict the aesthetic feeling in curriculum design and the aesthetic experience in the process of teaching. From our research findings, we are able to make suggestions in terms of the modified isolationism’s aesthetic curriculum and artistry teaching. The findings of this research are as follows: 1. The disinterestedness condition could be hindered by the Kant’s more restricted aesthetic criteria; therefore, Bullough’s psychical distance theory makes the realization of curriculum easier. 2. The most challenging part of understanding the disinterestedness theory is how the common sense coordinates the aspects of pleasant, imagination and understanding. The nucleus of the theory of psychical distance is to use the principle of antinomy of distance to analyze the distanced process. 3. Kant’s curriculum aesthetic perspective is composed of five perspectives. These include the curriculum purpose, the curriculum knowledge, art and cultural curriculum, the hidden curriculum and, finally, the sublime curriculum. Kant’s perspective of the art of teaching place special emphasis on disinterestedness and the void of purpose, and adopts teaching methods with common sense. It also values the qualitative assessment of students』 actual responses. 4. The perspective of the art of teaching based on the theory of psychical distance makes great contribution to the realization of Kant’s perspective of the art of teaching. Aesthetic curriculum design relies on teachers』 distanced ability to choose and organize curriculum. The design in this study adopts teachers』 enactment perspective and mutual adaptation perspective. The teaching ability of using distanced principle manifests the beauty of distance. 5. The perspective of the art of teaching based on the isolationism approach highlights the importance of fine art, compensated by the perspective of the art of teaching derived from contextualism. According to my analysis, some suggestions can be brought about as follows. The construction of curriculum aesthetic perspective and perspective of the art of teaching based on the modified isolationism approach will benefit educators and help cultivate the whole humanity out of students. Following that, Kant’s and Bullough’s theories of aesthetic experience are both insufficient to clarify how imagination works when using appreciative teaching techniques. In addition, the construction of curriculum aesthetic perspective and the perspective of the art of teaching based on modified isolationism approach can be beneficial to the development of curriculum and teaching methods. Last but not least, in reference to education for teachers, pre-service internship can be viewed as a process prior to becoming artists. As a result, teaching credentials are no different from the art teaching certificate.



美感經驗論, 無涉利害說, 心理距離說, 孤立主義取向, 純藝術, theory of aesthetic experience, theory of disinterestedness, theory of psychical distance, isolationism approach, fine art





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