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隨著十二年國教素養理念興起,研究者反思自己的教學方式已無法回應學生的學習需求。「重理解的課程設計」(Understanding by design,UbD)強調多元理解與學習遷移,能具體實踐素養導向的課程與教學。因此,本研究將「重理解的課程設計」運用於國中公民政治課程裡最為繁複的「中央政府」單元,旨在透過「大概念」重整教科書順序,並引導學生深度理解。本研究重視教育工作者的實務改進,故採取行動研究法,透過省思札記、觀課紀錄、教學錄影、研究參與者訪談錄音檔、課程文件進行分析。主要參與對象為新北市某國中之28位八年級學生,依照研究方案之課程四部曲,進行共計七堂課的四次循環。
With the rise of the twelve-year national education literacy concept, researchers reflect that traditional teaching methods can no longer respond to the learning needs of students. UbD emphasizes multiple understanding, and can practice literacy-oriented courses and teaching. Thus, this research use UbD to the most complicated"central government" unit in the middle school civic politics curriculum, and aims to reorganize the textbook sequence through the "big ideas" and guide students to deepen understanding. This research adopts an action research method to analyze through thoughtful notes, class observation records, teaching videos, interview recordings of research participants, and course documents. The main participants are 28 eighth-grade students. According to the four-part curriculum of the research plan, a total of four cycles of seven lessons were conducted. The results of the study found that teachers can extract the"big ideas" of the curriculum through the three elements of Master Framework for the 12-year Basic Education Curriculum Guideline, UbD theory, and teacher professional knowledge. Teachers construct rubrics that correspond to the big ideas, and make good use of questioning and inductive strategies in the teaching process, which will help students develop explanations, applications, and perspective understanding. In addition, UbD assists teachers in getting rid of textbooks, shifting the focus from teacher input to student understanding. At the end of the study, the conclusions and recommendations of five UbD courses were put forward, and the design of this action study was also considered for reference by other teachers.
With the rise of the twelve-year national education literacy concept, researchers reflect that traditional teaching methods can no longer respond to the learning needs of students. UbD emphasizes multiple understanding, and can practice literacy-oriented courses and teaching. Thus, this research use UbD to the most complicated"central government" unit in the middle school civic politics curriculum, and aims to reorganize the textbook sequence through the "big ideas" and guide students to deepen understanding. This research adopts an action research method to analyze through thoughtful notes, class observation records, teaching videos, interview recordings of research participants, and course documents. The main participants are 28 eighth-grade students. According to the four-part curriculum of the research plan, a total of four cycles of seven lessons were conducted. The results of the study found that teachers can extract the"big ideas" of the curriculum through the three elements of Master Framework for the 12-year Basic Education Curriculum Guideline, UbD theory, and teacher professional knowledge. Teachers construct rubrics that correspond to the big ideas, and make good use of questioning and inductive strategies in the teaching process, which will help students develop explanations, applications, and perspective understanding. In addition, UbD assists teachers in getting rid of textbooks, shifting the focus from teacher input to student understanding. At the end of the study, the conclusions and recommendations of five UbD courses were put forward, and the design of this action study was also considered for reference by other teachers.
重理解的課程設計, UbD, 大概念, 公民, 中央政府, citizenship and society, central government