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本研究的主要目的在瞭解大學新生的體重控制行為意圖及其相關因素。並探討研究對象之背景因素、心理因素、社會文化因素、體型意識與體重控制行為意圖的關係。本研究以北區某大學99學年度大學一年級新生為母群體並獲得377位有效樣本。主要研究結果如下: 一、 研究對象對未來會進行以及會考慮進行體重控制行為表示中等程度以上的人,佔了全體的七成以上。 二、 女生、有體重控制經驗者、實際體型愈胖者,對體重過重之關注愈高、自覺體重分類愈重、實際體型與期望體型愈大,其未來體重控制行為意圖愈高。 三、 心理因素方面,研究對象自尊越高,其外表評價越高、對身體各部位滿意度越高,但與體重控制行為意圖無顯著相關。 四、 研究對象受到來自重要他人對體型的負面評價及嘲笑愈多、受傳播媒體影響愈大者,對外表的評價就愈差、對體重過重的關注愈高、對身體各部位的滿意度愈差,且自覺體重的分類傾向愈重,實際與期望體型之差距也愈大,其未來體重控制行為意圖愈高。 五、 對體重過重之關注、過去體重控制經驗、實際與期望體型差、重要他人體型評價(父母)、傳播媒體(認同性)等五個變項可以解釋體重控制行為意圖49.2%的變異量,其中以對體重過重之關注的影響力最大。
The main purposes of this study were to understand the behavioral intention of weight control , and the relationships between the intention and its related factors including background factors, psychological factors,social and cultural factors, body image. The study population was freshmen of one university of northern Taiwan in 2010. The subjects was 377 valid samples. The main results were as follows: 1、More than 70% subjects showed the behavioral intention of weight control in next six weeks. 2、Female, having experience in weight control, obesity, more concerns of overweight, perceiving over weight, and larger difference between actual and expected body weight of subjects had more behavioral intention of weight control in the future. 3、Subjects with higher self-esteem had higher satisfaction for their appearance and body, but the subjects of those factors showed no significant relationship with the behavioral intention of weight control. 4、The more negative evaluation from significant others, the greater influence by the media, the lower satisfaction in appearance, the more concerns of overweight, the consciousness of heavier weight, the more dissatisfaction on body, the larger difference between actual and expected body weight of the subjects all had more behavioral intention of weight control in the future. 5、The concerns of overweight, past experience in weight control, the difference between actual and expected body weight, significant others (parents), media (approval ) could explain 49.2% variance of i behavioral intention of weight control, and the concerns of overweight was main variable to influence toward the intention .



體型意識, 體重控制行為意圖, 大學新生, body image, behavioral intention of weight control, freshmen of university





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