正體字學習的價值認同探討 – 以泰國中華語文中心為例

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華人佔泰國的人口比例不少,在政治和社會上具有舉足輕重的地位,街頭巷弄也經常能看到正體字的店家匾牌,移民已久的泰國華裔在當今簡體字蔚為學習風潮之下,了解影響他們選擇正體字學習的因素和其背後所重視的價值,可為泰國的華語教育工作者提供新方向。研究者透過資料蒐集了解泰國的華文教育發展與變遷,並從泰國中華語文中心的學生、家長和華語老師三方面進行問卷調查與訪談,綜整資料後得到以下的結論: 一、大多數的學習者認為正體字比較正統且字體優美,文字的使用由正入簡容易,正體字有助於學習其他漢字圈國家的語文。受訪者平常在泰國學校也學習中文,但以簡體字為主,家長每個禮拜從遠處不辭辛勞地送小孩來假日學校學正體字,則是因為家長自身為華裔血統在其過去的學習經歷即是學正體字,所以更重視華語和正體字的學習,而影響學習者的重要動機之一也是為要跟使用正體字的人聯絡,所以學習正體字的主要族群 跟自身家庭背景和身分有著密不可分的關係。 二、學習者學習華語文的主要目的除了升學,也有為數不少的人是因為興趣,喜歡正體字的美和臺灣的人、事、物,並要看懂正體字的報章雜誌、影片等。興趣是最持久的學習動力,了解學習者的學習動機和目的能幫助華語老師更好地安排課程內容。 華語是世界最多人使用的語言之一,越來越多人重視華語的學習,泰國政府也將華語文列為學校教學的第二外語。現代漢字字體分為兩個系統,雖因各種因素泰國學校多採用簡體字教學,但正體字是中華文化最重要的資產,也是承載文化的重要工具,我們不可忽視其正統的結構及書寫的方式,這是身為一個華語教師應有的認知,並有責任加以維護和推廣。
The Thai Chinese is a large proportion of Thailand’s population, and they have a pivotal posi-tion in politics and society. We can often see the signboard of shop in traditional Chinese char-acters on the streets and alleys. The Thai Chinese who have immigrated for a long time are un-der the current trend of learning simplified characters. Understanding the factors that affect their choice of learning traditional Chinese characters and the value they agree, it can provide new directions for Chinese language educators in Thailand. Researcher uses data collection to un-derstand the development and changes of Chinese education in Thailand, through by the stu-dents of the Thai Chinese Language Center, parents and Chinese teachers further discussed and analyzed in three aspects. After questionnaire surveys and interviews, this study has reached the following conclusions: 1. Most of learners think Chinese traditional characters are more ortho-dox and beautiful, and learning traditional Chinese characters first is helpful for later learning Chinese simplified characters and other languages in the Chinese character circle. Most of in-terviewees also study Chinese in Thai schools, but mainly simplified Chinese characters, par-ents take their children to the weekend school to learn traditional Chinese characters from a dis-tance every week is because the parents themselves experience of learning Chinese before was traditional Chinese characters, so it paid more attention to the learning of Chinese and tradition-al Chinese characters. One of the important motivations affecting learners was to connect with people who use traditional Chinese characters. Therefore, the main ethnic groups who learn the traditional Chinese characters are closely related to their family background and identity. 2. The main purpose of learners to study Chinese is not just enter schools of a higher grade, but also a large number of people because of their interests, they like the beauty of traditional Chinese characters and the people, events, things of Taiwan, they want to understand newspapers, mag-azines, and movies in traditional Chinese characters. Interest is the most durable learning moti-vation, understanding learners' learning motivation and purpose can help Chinese teachers bet-ter arrange course. Chinese language is currently one of the most spoken languages in the world, more and more people are paying attention to the learning of Chinese. The Thai government has also listed Chinese language as the second foreign language in school teaching. Nowadays Chinese fonts are divided into two systems, although Thai schools mostly use simplified characters for teaching due to various factors, but Chinese traditional characters are the most important asset of Chinese culture and an important tool for carrying culture. We cannot ignore its orthodox structure and the way of writing, this is the knowledge that a Chinese teacher should have and we have the responsibility to maintain and promote it.



泰國華人, 泰國華文教育, 正體字, The Thai Chinese, Chinese education in Thailand, Chinese traditional characters





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