中文原創音樂劇 《九十九分男友》劇本創作暨詮釋報告

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本文將由筆者之中文原創音樂劇作品 —《九十九分男友》為研究目標,以其進行創作分析及詮釋報告,經由劇本創作背景動機、目的及本劇音樂文本之深入分析研究,希望在音樂劇文本創作上,能夠將筆者所學付諸應用,並累積豐富多元的學習經驗。 本中文原創音樂劇《九十九分男友》是一齣以自我認同為出發點創作的音樂劇作品,故事主角為一同性戀者,男主角男友因同志身份的關係,在生活中遭遇了許多挫折,進一步導致壓力過大並患上憂鬱症,隨著憂鬱症男友的突然失蹤,男主角、閨蜜以及弟弟三人各自於家中發現男友留下的告別信,而三人迫切想於信件中尋找出的蛛絲馬跡,其實就是生活的痕跡,他們將因為男友留下來的三封信件,重新思考每個發生問題的當下,檢視自己的生活也重新定義、面對自己,並在最後,帶他回家。 此作品核心主題為同性戀者的「自我認同」,除了運用男主角的「同性戀」身份作為劇情發展之關鍵,也將不同身份的閨蜜、弟弟輔以劇情完整性,由這三人不同的觀點,將自我認同一題完整描述。從古至今,同性戀議題之爭議及討論從未停止,雖為社會少數族群,但他們的勇敢發聲及社會的文明進步,讓更多元的聲音能夠被聆聽及接受,在同志族群的青少年時期,常常面臨著「自我認同」階段的混亂,因性別教育的不足讓青年同性戀者對於自我性向摸索階段有著許多盲點,產生了許多曲折的心路歷程後,並不是每個人都能夠敞開心胸接納真正的自我;文本除探討同性戀者的自我認同外,也運用了支線角色在不同身份上的自我認同來輔助劇情發展之全面性;劇情運用了寫實的失蹤案件作為發展,就像發生在自己生活周遭一樣,讓觀眾能夠身歷其境,希望主角能夠領著觀眾們,一同檢視生活所留下的痕跡,不逃避的解決問題,並接受真正的自己。
This research bases on the Chinese original musical "Almost Perfect Boyfriend" to give out an interpretation report. To know more about the concept of creation, this research goes through the script writing and the libretto of the original musical to have further analysis. "Almost Perfect Boyfriend" is a creation about self-identification, which a gay couple face mutiple problems in life. The main character is a homosexual who has a boyfriend suffering from depresssion. One day, his boyfriend dissappeared, leaving three letters for the main character, his best friend and his brother. Being eager to find out the missing one, they start to look for clues from the three letters, which make them thoroughly redefine thier life. They begin to rethink every obstacles that happened in thier life, meanwhile, trying to face them all and bring the missing one home at the end. This musical talks about self-identification of homosexuals from different aspects, including the best friend, the brother and the main character who owns a special identity himself. The discussion of homosexual issue has never ended since a long time ago. As homosexuals going through adolescence in their life, they usually face a huge chaos of self-identification because of the lack of sexual education, which leads to the result that homosexuals are afraid to embrace their real identity. Nowadays, though being the minority in the society, homosexuals have tried hard to speak out loud for themselves. "Almost Perfect Boyfriend" also wants to explore the issue, which uses different identities in the story to complete the discussion. The writing script base on the vanish of a character to provide audiences with a sense of actually being there. This creation wishes that the audiences can look back to their lives, and face those problems that they were eager to get away from.



中文音樂劇, 原創劇本, 同性戀, 自我認同, Chinese Musical, Original Script, homosexual, Self-Identification





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