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目的:瞭解高中學生接受兩週密集的運動及飲食認知課程後並給予運動及飲食介入對於身體組成、運動及飲食習慣之影響。方法:研究對象為臺北市立育成高中學生,經健康檢查後篩選出體重過重,身體質量指數(BMI)≧25.6之40位學生,召集學生進行兩週之運動及飲食教育,並建議運動處方與營養諮詢。課程結束後學生分為兩組,實驗組持續進行十二週運動及飲食介入,對照組則無任何介入。所有學生皆測量身體組成,並運用IPAQ台灣活動量調查短版問卷及營養健康行為測驗表進行活動量與飲食習慣調查,測量時間分別為兩週課程前及十二週介入之後。研究蒐集之數據及資料以描述性統計、獨立樣本t考驗及相依樣本t考驗統計方法進行分析。結果:實驗組學生在參與介入後,其平均體重下降1.76kg、BMI下降0.68、體脂肪減少2.11%;中等費力以上活動時間增加86.6 min/week;飲食習慣測驗表分數減少4.4分,具有統計上顯著差異(p<.05)。結論:運動及飲食介入對高中學生身體組成可達一定的改善效果,同時亦能改善學生活動量不足及飲食習慣不佳的現象。
Purpose: The research aimed at investigating students’ body composition, exercise and dieting habits after they participated two-week intensive exercise and dieting cognition course followed with exercise and dietary intervention. Method: Participants were Taipei Municipal Yu-Cheng Senior High School students. 40 overweight students, body mass index (BMI) ≧25.6, were selected after physical examination. Once the recruitment, two-week exercise and nutrition education were implemented and exercise prescription and nutrition counseling were advised for studetns. Students were divided into two groups after the end of the course. 12-week exercise and dieting intervention was for experiment group and no intervention for control group. All students’ body composition were measured and IPAQ Taiwan physical active mass investigation short-version questionnaire and Food Frequency Questionnaire were administered for examination of physical active mass and dieting habit. Both examinations were conducted before two weeks course and 12 weeks intervention. All the data were analyzed through descriptive statistics, interdependent sample t-test and dependent sample t-test. Result: After 12 weeks, there were significant changes in experiment group in body weight (-1.76kg), body mass index (-0.68), body fat (-2.11%), time of moderate activities (+86.6 min/week) and the score of food frequency questionnaire (-4.4). Conclusion: This research demonstrates that the combined exercise and dieting intervention helped to improve high school students’ body composition and improve the stuents’ insufficient physical active mass and inappropriate dieting habit.



身體組成, 體重控制, 身體活動, body composition, weight control, physical activity





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