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摘 要 本研究應用解構計畫行為理論為立論基礎,用以檢驗3VRD虛擬實境動畫為特色之教育介入,對高中職特定對象學生防制濫用愷他命之成效。此次研究對象,來自北臺灣基隆市、台北市、新北市共8所高中職學生特定對象學生共220人,以3DVR虛擬實境動畫為特色的多媒體教育介入、結構式問卷,進行結構方程模式(structural equation modeling, SEM))統計分析。結果顯示,有2條路徑是直接影響(direct)的路徑:態度→行為意圖;主觀規範→行為意圖;3條為間接(indirect)影響路徑:知覺有用性→態度→行為意圖;知覺有用性→主觀規範→行為意圖;知覺有趣性→態度→行為意圖,態度、主觀規範和知覺行為控制等三個變項,可解釋行為意圖達91%的變異量(R2=.91,p<.05),證明此教育介入具有顯著成效。知覺有用性、知覺有趣性會透過態度及主觀規範影響行為意圖,顯示多媒體動畫教育介入,對於學生利用科技防制藥物濫用愷他命有顯著影響。學生對於以3DVR動畫為特色的多媒體創新教學,頗為認同,但同時也期待未來能設計浸潤式虛擬實境Head Mounted Display(HMD)的動畫,能有更真實的擬真效果。
Abstract The Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior (DTPB) was applied to develop an education program with 3D Virtual reality (VR) animation and test its effectiveness on students of senior high schools. The participants were 220 students t from eight senior high schools in Northern Taiwan. After the implementation of the 3D VR program, structured questionnaire survey was administered. The data was analyzed by Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results indicated that 3DVR program on senior high school students was effective. There are 2 paths directly affected and 3 paths indirectly affected behavioral intention. This study provided evidences for the direct effects of attitude and subjective norms on behavioral intentions. Moreover, the roles of attitudes and subjective norms as mediators in the pathway from perceived usefulness to behavioral intentions were supported. The mediational effect of attitudes was also statistically supported in the pathway from perceived playfulness to behavioral intentions. Three variables, including attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control showed 91% explained variation of behavioral intentions(R2=.91,p<.05).In addition, the 3DVR program have showed a significant impact on students apply technology use of Ketamine drugs by the mediational effects of attitudes and subjective norms in the path from perceived usefulness as well as perceived playfulness to behavioral intentions. Most of the participants agreed that 3DVR program with the characteristics of multimedia teaching. They also look forward to the future design of infiltrating virtual reality Head Mounted Display (HMD) animation that showsmore realistic effects.



解構式計畫行為理論, 3D虛擬實境, 高中職, 藥物濫用防制, decomposed theory of planned behavior, 3D virtual reality, senior high school, drug abuse prevention





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