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        中文摘要   本研究以學校創新氣氛與學校效能為主題,問卷調查法深入研究,以全省(含澎湖地區)共計3348所公立國民中、小學教師為母群體,依學校所在地區及規模分層隨機抽樣179所國民中、小學計2235位教師為樣本進行問卷調查,探討國民中、小學創新氣氛與學校效能之現況、部析教師人口變項及學校變項對創新氣氛與學校效能知覺之差異,以及創新氣氛對學校效能各構面之影響情形。研究獲得下列結論: 一、國民中、小學創新氣氛與學校效能現況大致良好,但也普遍感受到工作壓力沉重。 二、國小教師在正向創新氣氛知覺圴顯著高於國中教師,在負向創新氣氛知覺圴顯著低於國中教師,且國中、小在創新氣氛與學校效能知覺各構面均達顯著差異。 三、創新氣氛、學校效能受人口變項與學校環境系絡所影響 (一)小型學校對正向創新氣氛與學校效能知覺較中、大型學校高,負向創新氣氛均低於中、大型學校。 (二)創校年為35年以上學校均顯著於創校年35年以下學校。 (三)在工作挑戰性構面上,南部學校顯著高於中部學校;在資源充分性構面上,北部學校顯著高於中部學校。在過度工作壓力構面上,北部學校也顯著高於南部學校。 (四)男性、年長、資深、兼任行政主管(校長、主任)、教育程度在研究所以上教師所知覺正向創新氣氛與學校效能較高,且其抗壓性也較高。 四、創新氣氛與學校效能有顯著關聯性 (一)正向組織創新氣氛構面與學校效能構面呈正相關,而過度工作壓力構面則與學校效能構面呈負相關。 (二)教師教學品質與工作團隊支持呈正相關,且工作挑戰性與學生成研表現有較高相關。 (三)資源充分性與家長及社區支持呈負關。 (四)組織激勵、主管激勵、工作團隊支持、工作自主性、工作挑戰性對學校效能的影響較大。 五、組織創新氣氛對學校效能具有預測力 組織創新氣氛對於學校效能不同構面有不同的預測力,主管激勵對行政服務表現具預測力;工作團隊支持對教師教學品質構面最具預測力;在學生表現構面及家長社區支持構面皆以組織激勵最具預測力。 依據以上結論,本研究針對學校創新經營、教育行政創新管理,以及未來相關研究提出建議,做為增進國民中小學營造創新氣氛與提升學校效能之參考。
Abstract The research centered on school innovative climate and school effectiveness through analysis of literature review and questionnaire survey.3,348public elementary and junior high schools (Peng-hu included) were drawn as population.Throuht stratified random sampling according to school size ans region, 2,235 teachers from 179 schools were sampled, to explore:first, the current conditions of school innovative climnate and school effectiveness ;second, the influence of variables such as teacher background difference, and school characteristics on perception of innovative climate and school effectiveness;and third, the influence of school innovative climate on school effectiveness. The conclusions of the research are as follows: I. The elementary and junior high schools under research show that the innovative climate and school effectiveness are normally good, yet it is common of the teachers to feel stressed from the heavy workload. II. Elementary school teachers indicate higher positive perceptionof innovative climate than junior high school teachers, and the former shows conformity on the negative perception of school innovative climate by scoring significantly lower that junior high school teachers. III. Innovative climate and school effectiveness are affected by teacher background difference and school characteristics. 1.Tintype schools show higher positive innovative climate perception than medium and large type schools, and they also show an identical lower negative perception of innovative climate. 2.Schools built more than 35 years score higher on every perception than those less than 35 years . 3.On the perception of work challenge, schools in Southern Taiwan generally score higher than those in Central Taiwan; on th eperception of school resources, schools in Northern Taiwan also show a significant higher tendency than that of schools in Central Taiwan. As to the conception of overstress workload, schools in Northern Taiwan show a significantly higher tendency that that of schools in Southern Taiwan as well. 4.Male, elder, senior, taking up administrational positions, and graduate school educational background have a higher positive school innovative climate perception, and often possess higher compressive resistance. IV. Correlation existed between innovative climate and school effectiveness. 1.Postitive organization innovative climate is in positive correlation with school effectiveness, while overstress workload in negative correlation with school effectiveness. 2.Teaching quality is positively correlated with teamwork. 3.Support from Parents and communities is negatively correlated with resources. 4.Perception as Organizational encouragement, supervisory encouragement, support from teamwork, autonomy, and challenging have greater influence on school effectiveness. V. Innovative climate has predictability to school effectiveness. Supervisory encouragement is predictive of managerial service performance; teamwork is predictive of teaching quality; organizational encouragement serves as the best predictor of student's achievement and support from parents and communities. According to the conclusions of this study, the researcher pressents suggestions on school innovative management, educational govemance innovation, and future research respectively so as to enbhance school innovative climate and effectiveness at the elementary and junior high education level.



