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赴日交換學生跨文化適應壓力與因應策略研究:以國立臺灣師範大學體育系為例 2015年7月 研究生:洪綺苓 指導教授:湯添進 摘要 人們到另一個國家時,常因環境的轉換,在過程中無論是遇上語言、文化、人際關係、生活環境、經濟能力各方面,都可能因無法負荷或適應不良而引起焦慮不安的壓力反應。若個體未能妥善因應,可能導致學生與當地社會脫節、情緒沮喪、難過、學業與生活產生問題,身心產生困擾。如何面對壓力並調適壓力成為重要的議題。本研究目的旨在暸解國立臺灣師範大學體育學系赴日交換學生於國外生活學習時面對之文化適應壓力來源與因應策略,藉此協助臺師大運休學院掌握暸解學生赴外生活情形。本研究以滾雪球法選定5年內曾以臺師大體育學系之名義到日本參與赴外交換學生計畫之學生4名,以文獻分析法與半結構訪談方式進行資料蒐集與分析。研究結果顯示,體育學系學生的主要壓力,主要是經濟條件不佳與語言障礙所造成。在因應策略方面,對經濟壓力學生則以擬定計畫、尋求資訊、尋求社會支持、增加努力方式來解決。語言能力不足所引起之壓力則以積極 (正向) 之態度,尋求社會支持、尋求資訊、增加努力、解決問題為主要之因應策略。 關鍵詞: 交換學生、跨文化適應壓力、因應策略、體育系、日本
The Stress and Coping Strategies in Cross-Cultural Adaptation for Exchange Students in Japan: A Case Study on the Experiences of Physical Education Students at National Taiwan Normal University July, 2015 Author: Hung, Chi-Ling Advisor: Tan, Tien-Chin Abstract When people arrive at another country, where the language, culture, interpersonal relationship, living environment, and economic conditions are different, it is not unusual that they would feel stressful due to the lack of adaptation to the new environment. If a student cannot adjust to the new environment, he or she might face social isolation, depression, problematic student life, and physical and emotional exhaustion. Therefore, it is important to learn how to face and cope with the stress. This research aims to understand the stress and coping strategies in cross-cultural adaptation for exchange students in Japan, by studying the examples of students from the Department of Physical Education at National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU), and to inform the College of Sports and Recreation at NTNU of the exchange student life. Four exchange students sent to Japan by NTNU from 2011-2015 were selected through snowball sampling, and data was collected and analyzed through literature reviews and semi-structured interviews. It was found that the main stress of students in the Department of Physical Education arose from insufficient economic resources and language barriers. In response to insufficient economic resources, students can make saving plans, look up discount information, seek financial support from family members, and manage their spending. In terms of language barriers, student can adopt coping strategies, such as possessing a positive attitude, seeking help from classmates, and utilizing various resources to improve their foreign language skills. Keywords: exchange students, cross-cultural adaptation, stress and coping strategies, department of physical education, Japan



交換學生, 跨文化適應壓力, 因應策略, 體育系, 日本, exchange students, cross-cultural adaptation, stress and coping strategies, department of physical education, Japan





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