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National Taiwan Normal University Department of Human Development and Family Studies


由於服裝設計為一綜合性的學門,它必須有效結合生產製造技術、工藝美學、市場行銷、社 會心理學、人體生理學、織品化學等相關領域,因此學生須具備豐富的技術和知識、能力以及創造力;尤其在進入後紡織配額時代後,全球市場的競爭更不再容許僅 強調單一專業能力的訓練,設計觀念更需隨日新月異之世界潮流更新。服裝教育工作者除提昇學生知識與技能外,更需培養學生問題解決能力、技術創造能力及整合 設計能力,方可使學生足以應付未來世界所需。 本研究即欲藉由行動取向之質性研究,以研究者執行之產學合作案「台南縣形象服裝設計與開發」為題,修習「專題製作」課程的服裝設計系學生為網路合作學習之 共同參與者,除建構網路合作式問題解決教學方案,並透過分析師生會談,線上討論內容、學生的學習成果,以及教師的自我反思與批判,探討以網路合作式問題解 決教學法增進服裝系學生創造力表現之實務問題及其可行的策略。 研究結果顯示:一、網路合作式問題解決教學法可促進學生主動學習,強化問題解決能力;二、網路合作式問題解決教學法可促進知識建構與經驗轉換,增加創意思 考經驗;三、網路合作式問題解決教學法幫助學習者反思,建構新知識。四、積極主動的靈魂人物是網路合作式問題解決教學法成功的關鍵。
Since fashion design is a comprehensive subject, it needs to be effectively combined with manufacturing technology, craft aesthetics, marketing, social psychology, human physiology, textile chemistry and other related fields. Hence, compared with other majors, Fashion Design majors are comparatively required to acquire better skills and more profound knowledge, ability, and creativity. In particular, after entering the era of textile quota, the global competitive market will no more allow training that emphasizes only one professional capability. Also, design concepts are more compulsory to be updated with the ever-changing global trend. Therefore, apart from enhancing students' knowledge and skills, fashion design educators have to develop the students' problem-solving ability, techniques creativity and integrated designing capability. Only by doing so can enable students to meet the needs of the coming future. This research aims to adopt action-oriented qualitative research, using academia and industry partnership project "Tania County Image Fashion Design and Development" as the topic and invites fashion design majors who take "Project Production" course to be Internet Cooperative Learning participants. In addition to construct Web-based Collaborative Problem-solving teaching project teacher-student conference, online discussion and learning results of the students are analyzed, instructor's self-reflection and criticism are employed to discuss practical problems and feasible strategy of using Web-based Collaborative Problem-solving Teaching Method as means of enhancing student creativity. The results of this research are 1.Web-based Collaborative Problem-solving Teaching Method can enhancing student ability of Problem-solving; 2. Web-based Collaborative Problem-solving Teaching Method can enhancing student creative Thinking; 3.Web-based Collaborative Problem-solving Teaching Method can help Student's self-reflection and criticism creative thinking; 4.An positive


