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本研究旨在探討以語料為本的英語學術詞彙學習網對英語學習者之學習成效。 本實驗於2006年第二學期實施,對象為59位英文程度為中初階之大一新生。研究對象分為對照組與實驗組。兩組學習者每週皆有兩小時英文課程,但實驗組需於課外時間到「英語學術字彙學習網」自學英語學術字彙。三個月後,針對兩組字彙學習成效的「質」與「量」進行測量。此外,實驗組的學生需答一份針對英語學術詞彙學習網的回饋問卷。 本研究結果敘述如下: 一、 兩組同學在字彙「量」上皆有增加,但只有實驗組同學的成績達到顯著進步。 二、 兩組同學在字彙學習的「質」皆有顯著進步,兩組間無顯著差異,但控制組後測略勝實驗組。有幾項可能原因導致此結果:(1) VKS測驗中,學生能寫出正確的句子不一定代表已完全掌握字彙之使用。(2) 實驗組學生表達學習量過重,短時間內無法熟讀每個字彙。(3) 學習字彙之方式影響字彙學習成效之類型,本實驗使用接受性字彙學習法(receptive vocabulary learning method),於是實驗組學生在生產性字彙(productive vocabulary)的進步幅度不如接受性字彙。 (4) 從實驗組學生前後測答題結果觀察,後測時學生可能花較多時間完成第一部分測驗,以致第二部分測驗的造句無法全數作答。 三、 實驗組學生對「英語學術字彙學習網」上所提供之詞彙表、字彙練習,及線上字彙學習法給予正面回饋,若加上其他學習方法便更能強化學生的內在學習動機。 本研究提供一個良好字彙學習網站建構之指南,同時建議英文教師可將線上字彙學習法融入課程中使學生能發掘線上字彙學習之益處。
This study investigated the effects of a corpus-based academic vocabulary learning website on vocabulary learning among English learners. The study was administered in the 2nd semester of 2006. Fifty-nine freshmen with low-intermediate English proficiency participated in this study, and were divided into a control group and a treatment group. Both groups received two hours of English classes per week, and the participants in the treatment group had to self-learn 570 academic vocabulary glossaries and did the vocabulary exercises on the vocabulary website off-class. Both the increase in the participants’ vocabulary size and vocabulary knowledge were measured by means of the Vocabulary Level Test and the Vocabulary Knowledge Scale (VKS) respectively. After the three-month treatment, the participants in the treatment group received a questionnaire inquiring about their feedback on using the vocabulary website. The results of the study are summarized as follows: First, participants in both group acquired more vocabulary items after three months. However, only the treatment group improved significantly in the posttest. Second, the results of the VKS indicated that both groups reached significant improvement in the posttests, and no significant difference was found in an across group comparison. Surprisingly, the score of the control group increased more than the treatment group. One of the possible factors of this result is that the drawback of the VKS—whether learners can master the use of the target word when they provide a grammatically and semantically accurate sentence remains unknown. Participants in the treatment group reported that they might not learn every academic glossary thoroughly due to the heavy learning load. Moreover, the type of learning method could affect the type of learners’ vocabulary knowledge. Learners in the treatment group learned and practiced the academic vocabulary on the website receptively. Thus, they gained more receptive vocabulary knowledge than productive vocabulary knowledge. The last explanation is that from the observation of the results of the VKS of the treatment group, it was possible that some learners spent more time doing the first part of the test, and could not finish making sentences for the target words on the VKS. Third, participants in the treatment group generally gave positive feedback toward the vocabulary website, including the glossaries, exercises, and online learning method. Though learners gave positive evaluation to the website, other learning methods could be applied to strengthen learners’ inner motivation. The study could provide a guideline of a well-constructed vocabulary website. It is suggested that English teachers can integrate more online vocabulary learning methods in class to enable learners to discover the benefits of online vocabulary learning.



語料庫, 字彙學習, 英語學術字彙, 線上英語學習, Corpus, Vocabulary Learning, Academic Vocabulary, Online Vocabulary Learning





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