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寫作能力是國語文領域培養的重點,也是各學科領域學習的必要基礎。國中基本學力測驗加考寫作測驗,此入學考試的變革,讓國中生的寫作和教學變得很重要。本研究期望瞭解在寫作測驗中,被評定為高成就的學生,他們在國中時期寫作活動有哪些的經驗面向?同時,在許多文獻中指出,課外閱讀對寫作表現,可能有影響,這樣的看法是否適用於基測寫作測驗中獲得肯定的同學呢?這一群背景共通性的學生,他們的課外閱讀有何現象,值得瞭解呢? 本研究以質性研究中的詮釋現象為理論基礎,用深度訪談法蒐集資料,盼能更深層理解寫作測驗高成就學生的想法。並以半結構訪談法進行,以訪談題綱為本,針對訪談中出現的問題與疑惑進行追問,以獲得更豐富語料。受訪樣本為立意取樣,訪問九十七及九十八學年度獲得寫作測驗滿級分十一位同學,訪談過程錄音並繕打逐字稿,進行理解與分析,以詮釋寫作測驗高成就學生課外閱讀與寫作活動的經驗本質與其深層意義。 研究發現在課外閱讀經驗方面,其動機為內在動機驅策;課外閱讀內容呈現各異其趣、獨愛紙本的趨勢;至於如何從事課外閱讀,則表現善用時間、完整、重覆與檢視閱讀等情況;重要的他人與外在環境是讓受訪學生感受可能改變其課外閱讀的現象。關於寫作經驗,研究結果發現,寫作對高成就學生而言,是一種結合多重能力的知識內化歷程,寫作對其具有蛻變、會意與記錄的生活意義,同時寫作測驗高成就學生的寫作,可能受到與老師、同儕互動及自己對寫作的練習等現象關聯最大;在課外閱讀與寫作表現的部分,生活經驗仍是寫作的關鍵,課外閱讀與寫作表現間則有增益與檢視的意義展現。 基於上述之研究結果,本研究針對學校、教師、圖書館及家長,甚至是有意提升自身閱讀與寫作程度學生,以及未來研究提出具體建言,期盼對相關實務與研究領域有所助益。
As writing test is added in the Basic Competence Test for junior high School students, the change of entrance examination makes writing become very important. Writing ability is not only emphasized in the training of Chinese language area, but also is the necessary foundation in the learning of each subject area. The study aims at discussing what is the experience orientation shown in writing activity of those who are classified as high-achieving students in writing test, when they are in the period of junior high School. Meanwhile, as it is indicated in many literatures that extensive reading experiences may have influence in writing performance, is this opinion suitable for those who are classified as high-achieving students in the writing test of Basic Competence Test? Therefore, for these students who have the same background and commonality, their extensive reading appears what kind of phenomenon, which is worthy of share. The study uses hermeneutic phenomenology in qualitative research as theoretical basis, collects materials in the way of depth interview, and expects to further understand the opinions of high-achieving students in writing test. Based on interview outline, the interviews were carried out in the way of semi-structured interview, questions and doubts that occurred in the interviews were made a detailed inquiry, so as to obtain more abundant linguistic data. Interview sampling adopts purposive sampling, in total 11 students who won full-degree scores in 2008 and 2009 writing tests were interviewed. Those interviews were recorded and typed for understanding and analysis, so as to explain the experience nature and deep meaning of high-achieving students’ extensive reading and writing activity. The study found that extracurricular reading experience has been driven by intrinsic motivation; the extracurricular reading content shows a trend of various interests and being fond of papers. As for how to engage in extracurricular reading, there are circumstances such as good use of time on reading, complete reading, repeated reading and text review etc. Significant others and the external environment made the students surveyed probably change the phenomenon of extracurricular reading. Concerning writing experience, the study results showed, for high-achieving students, writing is a process of knowledge engraved into brain where multiple capabilities were combined and is a transmutation, an understanding and recording on life meaning. Meanwhile, writing examinations for high-achieving student has maximum association with the interactions between the teachers and students themselves, among the same generation and self writing practices. Life experience remains critical for writing in section of extracurricular reading and writing performance. Consequently, extracurricular reading is a supplement to writing performance. Conversely, it will be a feedback. On the basis of above findings, this study made a specific suggestion aiming at schools, teachers, libraries and parents, even students who want an improvement on self reading and writing capabilities and future research, looking forward to helping related practices and studies.



課外閱讀, 寫作活動, 詮釋現象學, extensive reading, writing activity, hermeneutic phenomenology





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