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本研究旨在理解個人經歷生涯目標之浮現、未能實現,但終究能在目前生涯中擁有幸福感的心路歷程。具體而言,本研究探究個人走過生涯目標未能實現的經驗,同時探究個人用以調適未完成生涯目標經驗之內外在資源,並討論此經驗對其生命發展之影響。研究者以立意抽樣的方式選取三位有未完成生涯目標經驗但在目前生涯中擁有幸福感之成人為參與者,採生命故事敘說方式,所得資料以「整體—內容」輔以「類別—內容」方式進行分析。 研究結果發現參與者自生涯目標浮現、未能實現、直至在目前生涯中有幸福感的心路歷程,有以下幾點特色:(1)參與者找到自己的價值,想透過實現生涯目標來實現自我;(2)實現生涯目標的過程中,參與者受到內外在因素交互影響而有所掙扎,決定調整生涯決定;(3)在參與者做出不再追尋原本的生涯目標之決定後,他認為自己無法實現存在的意義與價值,未竟情緒經驗現身;(4)參與者選擇不讓自己沉溺在負向情緒經驗裡,起身為自己找出路,於是相應的資源浮現;(5)參與者透過生涯探索釐清個人生涯認同,當他能朝生涯認同或生命主題的方向前行,他便踏上幸福生涯之路。 參與者用以調適未完成生涯目標經驗的資源方面,內在資源包含(1)採取正向的因應策略;(2)現實定向,保持彈性;(3)積極探索生涯;(4)正向感恩的態度。外在資源包含(1)信仰;(2)偶發事件;(3)身邊的楷模;(4)社會支持。 本研究也發現,參與者走過未完成生涯目標經驗能為其生命發展帶來正向影響,包含:(1)看見自己真心想要什麼,珍惜所擁有的美好;(2)打開生涯選擇的視野,提升生涯自我效能。 根據研究結果,本研究認為個人在調適未完成生涯目標經驗帶來的衝擊時,若能以正向積極的態度面對,進而探索個人生涯認同或生命主題,就能朝幸福生涯之路邁進。最後,根據研究過程與結果,提出本研究的限制與建議。
This research aimed to explore the psychological course of individuals who could possess a sense of well-being despite the fact that they had undergone the emergence of their career goals and the failures of their goals previously. Specifically speaking, the research explored individuals' experience of passing through their failures in career goals, the internal and external resources that they used to help adapt themselves to the experience of unrealized career goals, and the influence of unrealized career goals on their life development. The researcher used purposive sampling to choose three adults who had failed to achieve their career goals but still feel a sense of well-being at present. The narrative interview data were analyzed by “holistic-content” as well as “categorical-content” approach. The result showed that the psychological course of participants who had the experience of unrealized career goals has the following characteristics: (1). Participants found their value, and tried to realize their self-value by achieving their career goals. (2). In the process of realizing the career goals, participants usually struggled with the influence from inner and outer factors, and decided to adjust their career decisions. (3). When participants decided not to realize their original career goals, they thought that they couldn’t realize their self-value, and the experience of unfinished emotions emerged. (4). Participants chose not to indulge in the emotionally-negative experiences, and tried to look for outlets. Thus the resources which could help participants adapt emerged. (5). Participants perceived that their career identity through exploring their career paths. When participants advanced on the direction of their own career identity or life theme, they started to step on the road to a happy career. In regard to the resources that participants used to adapt the experience of their unrealized career goals, the internal resources include: (1). adopting positive strategies; (2). having reality orientation and remaining flexible; (3). aggressively exploring one's career path; (4). having a positive and grateful attitude. The external resources include: (1). faith; (2). serendipitous events; (3). the role models nearby; (4). the social support. The study also found that the experience of passing through the unrealized career goals could bring the participants positive influences, including: (1). making them aware of what they really want and cherish what they have possessed; (2). broadening their vision of career choices and promoting their own career self-efficiency. According to the results of this study, individuals who adapted to the impact of unrealized career goals well can often step on the road to a happy career if they could face the situation with positive attitude and explore their personal career identity or life theme further. In the end, according to the research process and findings, the limits of this study and suggestions were also proposed.



未完成的生涯目標, 生涯調適, 敘說研究, unrealized career goal, career adaptation, narrative research





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