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  二十世紀的資訊革命翻開科技史上嶄新的一頁,台灣亦因此站上世界的舞台,然而2008年的金融風暴卻使科技業的處境跌落谷底,企業為節省成本,“無薪假”此一制度因應而生。本研究旨在探討企業無薪假對於電子工程師生涯規劃之影響,研究者以電子工程師為研究對象,採漸進取樣針對兩家公司共八名受訪者以質性訪談的模式進行多重個案研究,藉以瞭解無薪假對電子工程師生涯規劃之影響,並從中歸納其生涯規劃影響因素,而後提出研究結論與建議以供員工、企業、與政府做參考。經資料分析結果,茲分述如下: 一、於自我評估步驟,受訪者普遍認為於無薪假期間轉職難度較平常提高許   多,但具備雙重專業者則認為無薪假期間並不增加其求職難度。 二、於檢視環境步驟,受訪者考慮同質行業、異質行業、與小本創業,其中異   質行業以受訪者之第二專長領域、公職、與進入門檻較低的打工為主。 三、於目標修正步驟,部分工程師礙於轉職失敗、無薪假時間過短、無薪假休   假期間與之前工作量差異不大,故不改變其生涯;而半數工程師皆新增求   職計畫;亦有工程師由於無薪假喪失對科技業信心,故新增創業計畫。 四、於行動規劃步驟,大部分工程師主要為透過學習以強化現職或未來目標所   需職能。而同時有部分工程師為達其創業計畫,故暫留科技業以累積金錢   資本。 五、無薪假後生涯規劃影響因素共有個人因素、組織因素、與環境因素。個人   因素部分以無薪假休假程度、個人金錢考量、與個人特質影響較深;組織   因素部分與組織穩定程度與提供之薪酬較為相關;而環境因素部分則由於   部分工程師將無薪假視為科技業榮景不再的警訊,故增加其創業與轉換跑   道之傾向。 六、研究者建議短期施放無薪假之員工可透過進修以累積實力或擔任志工以累   積人脈,而長期施放無薪假之員工則可考慮兼職或創業,而組織應制定清   晰明瞭的休假時程表以彰顯公司穩定程度,政府則可提供無薪假創業基金   以降低失業率。
  The information revolution of the twentieth century started a new chapter in the history of science and technology, and Taiwan has now gained global recognition. However, the 2008 financial crisis caused the decline of the high-tech industry. In order to reduce costs, enterprises implemented the system of “unpaid leaves.” This study focuses on the influence of unpaid leaves on the career planning of electronic engineers, with the engineers as objects of the research. The qualitative research case studies here comprised of eight participants chosen from two companies by gradual sampling, and each participant was interviewed. The main purpose of the study is to investigate the influence of unpaid leaves on the career planning of electronic engineers and to identify the determinants of their career planning. Finally, the researcher has proposed concluding remarks and suggestions for the staff, enterprise, and government. The following results were obtained by analyzing the data collected for the study: 1.In the self-assessment step, the participants generally   felt that it was more difficult for them to find a new  job during unpaid leaves; however, those with dual  professions did not feel so. 2.In the environment check step, the participants  considered homogeneous and heterogeneous industries as an  option, and were inclined to start a small-scale  enterprise. Heterogeneous industries refer to the  participants’ secondary vocations, civil services, and  part-time jobs. 3.In the goal revision step, some engineers failed to  transfer because their unpaid leaves duration was too  short, and there was little change in job  responsibilities before and after the unpaid leaves.  Therefore, the careers of these participants remained  unchanged. Further, the desire to find a new job  increased among half of the interviewed engineers.  Moreover, owing to the unpaid leaves, some engineers lost  their confidence in the high-tech industry, and therefore  they focused on their entrepreneurial plans. 4.In the action planning step, nearly all the engineers  gained new knowledge and skills to enhance their  competence for their current or future positions. The  remaining group planned to remain in the high tech  industry in order to earn entrepreneurial capital. 5.Even after unpaid leaves, there exist many determinants  of career planning for electronic engineers. Some  personal factors include the duration of leave, financial  stability, and also the engineer’s personality. The  organization’s stability and its compensation plan also  affect engineers’ career planning. The environmental  factor implies that some engineers see unpaid leaves as a  warning that the high tech industry is no longer  lucrative, and thus their entrepreneurial inclinations  rise. 6.The researchers suggest that employees on short-term  unpaid leaves should consider self-improvements or  enhance their social network by participating in  volunteer work. Employees on long-term unpaid leaves  should consider part-time jobs or start an enterprise.  The organization should formulate clear unpaid leave  plans to prove its stability. The government should also  offer funds to those who aspire to start an enterprise in  order to reduce the unemployment rate.



無薪假, 組織精簡, 生涯規劃, 生涯規劃影響因素, 電子工程師, unpaid leaves, downsizing, career planning, determinants of career planning, electronic engineers





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