

本研究主要目的在針對護理人員發展一套有效的預防職業健康危害之網頁教育介入計畫,並進一步探討此教育介入計畫對護理人員職業健康危害之覺知、認知、態度、自我效能等健康信念、社會支持、採取預防職業危害行為的影響及其對介入計畫的評價。 本研究採準實驗設計之『實驗組控制組前測後測設計』,立意取樣台北市兩間醫院全體護理人員為研究對象。實驗組接受一個半月的『網際網路預防職業健康危害教育介入計畫』,對照組則不接受。研究工具包括1.媒體測試問卷2.網頁教育介入3.前後測成效問卷4.媒體過程評量問卷。最後有效人數為320人(實驗組共150人,對照組共170人)。所得資料以描述性統計及單因子共變數進行分析,結果如下: 1.實驗組護理人員在預防職業健康危害「覺知」、「認知」、「對助力因素之評價」、「自我效能」以及「社會支持」都明顯的優於對照組護理人員。 2.網際網路預防職業健康危害教育介入計畫未能顯著提高護理人員在預防職業健康危害之「態度」、「對阻力因素的評價」及「行為」的得分,介入效果不明顯。 3.實驗組對此介入計劃的評價部分,有20.9%的研究對象表示喜歡這個網站,有75.0%表示中立意見,僅有2.1%表示不喜歡這個網站;且有超過四成的護理人員同意推薦其他人瀏覽此網站。 根據研究結果,建議未來在發展網路預防職業危害教育時,應結合衛生教育專業人員、護理教育專家、臨床護理人員及電腦工程、動畫、視覺設計等相關專業人員,同時根據健康信念模式、行為改變階段理論、溝通說服模式來進行訊息轉換及發展,透過此互動的教育方式,並連結醫院相關資源(如護理部門、勞安部門)建立支持性的環境,將可使其介入成效更明顯。
The purposes of this study were to develop an effective Internet occupational health intervention program on nurses, and further explored the effects of the six-week campaign on nurses’ consciousness, knowledge, attitude, self-efficacy, social-support, and behavior toward the occupational injuries as well as their evaluations to this program. This study was designed with the standard experimental method “experiment group &control group with pre-test”. Two hospitals in Taipei were selected as the subjects. The instruments included media questionnaires, webpage, pre/post questionnaires of effectiveness evaluation of the program and process evaluation questionnaires of the media. There were 320 nurses who finished the pre-test and the post-test questionnaires (150 nurses for the experimental group and 170 nurses for the control group). The statistics methods included descriptive statistics and one-way ANCOVA for paired observations, and the major results were as follows: 1.The mean scores of consciousness, knowledge, perceived benefits of action, self-efficacy, and social-support toward the occupational injuries in the post-test of the experimental group are better than the scores in the control group, and differences between two groups are significant. 2.Intervention of this Internet program does not influence nurses’ attitude, perceived barriers of action, nor behavior toward the occupational injuries. 3.Evaluation of the Internet program from the nurses in the experiment group, 20.9% nurses like the web, 75.0% nurses remain neutral, only 2.1% nurses unlike, and more than 40% nurses agree that she will recommend others to browse the web . According to the findings of this study, we recommend when promoting paramedics’ occupational health plan in the future, health educators should work with the nursing educators, nurses, computer engineers, cartoonists and visual communication designers to develop the message transmissions and teaching media. Also develop health plans base on the Health Belief Model, the Readiness Scale For Behavior Change, and the Communication-Persuasion Theory. In addition to the interactive teaching method, if we can establish a totally supportive environment to prevent the related health hazards at work, paramedic’s effectiveness will proved.



護理人員, 網際網路, 職業危害, nurses, Internet, health hazards at work





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