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本研究目的在探討雙北地區高職綜職科學生參與技能檢定訓練之學習動機。本研究採問卷調查法,以104學年度雙北地區高職綜合職能科參與技能檢定訓練之學生為研究樣本,研究者修編之「雙北地區高職綜合職能科學生參與技能檢定訓練學習動機之研究問卷」為研究工具,問卷內容共包括價值、預期、情感和執行意志共四個構面,共有23題。問卷所得資料以SPSS軟體進行次數分配、百分比、平均數、標準差、t考驗和f考驗等分析,歸納以下結論: 一、參與技能檢定訓練學生自評之學習動機整體為正向。 二、不同性別、證照通過情形、家長教養態度之綜職科學生在參與技能檢定訓練學習動機上無顯著差異。 三、不同年級學生達顯著差異,其中一年級的學習動機優於二年級及三年級,建議於高一實施技能檢定訓練對學習動機較佳。 四、不同參與原因之學生達顯著差異,其中自願參加者優於教師建議參加者,建議教師依學生意願安排參與技能檢定訓練。 五、不同師生關係之學生達顯著差異,其中師生關係很好者優於師生關係普通或不好者,建議教師與受訓學生建立良好互動關係。 六、不同同儕關係之學生達顯著差異,其中同儕關係很好者優於同儕關係普通或不好者,建議教師營造良好班級氣氛並促進同儕互動。 最後,根據本研究發現與結果,對學校教師、家長、綜職科學生及後續研究者,提出具體建議。
This study aims to explore vocational high school special education students’ motivation to participate in Skill Certification Training in Taipei metropolitan area. This research adopts the questionnaire method. The participants come from the special education department of vocational high schools in Taipei metropolitan area, 2015. The research tool "Questionnaire on Vocational High School Special Education Students’ Motivation to Participate in Skill Qualification Exams in Taipei Metropolitan Area" was developed by the researcher, which has a total of 23 items and encompasses four dimensions: value, expectancy, feelings and will of execution. The resulting data were analyzed with the SPSS software in terms of frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t test and f test. The results are summarized as follows: 1.Vocational high school special education students hold a positive motivation about participating in skill certification training. 2.Students of different gender、status of passing the licenses exam and parental education attitudes don’t differ significantly in their motivation to participate in skill certification training. 3.Students of different grades differ significantly in their motivation to participate in skill certification training: First graders have higher motivation than second graders and third graders. 4.Different reason of participate has an effect on students’ motivation to participate in skill certification training: volunteer have higher motivation than those attend because their parents 5.Students of different teacher-student relationship exhibit a difference in motivation to take skill certification training: those with good teacher-student relationship have higher motivation than those with bad teacher-student relationship. 6.Students of different peer relationship exhibit a difference in motivation to take skill certification training: those with good peer relationship have higher motivation than those with bad peer relationship. Finally, based on the findings and results, specific suggestions for schools, teachers, parents, students and researchers are proposed.



技能檢定訓練, 學習動機, 特教生, Technician Certifications Training, Learning Motivation, Special Education Students

