bell hooks黑人女性主義教育觀對台灣新移民女性教育的啟示

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本研究以理論分析法,針對bell hooks的女性主義理論、反種族主義理論進行分析,並據以探究其教育理論之藴意與內涵。本研究主要目的包括:一、研究bell hooks教育理論的淵源與發展。二、分析bell hooks教育理論當中性別與種族的交互關係。三、探討bell hooks教育理論對台灣新移民女性教育的啟示與應用。四、對新移民女性在教育當中建立主體性提出可能的方法與建議。 hooks在女性主義理論的發展上和第二波女性主義有承先啟後的關係,對第二波女性主義運動有批判也有承繼,提出男性不是女性的敵人而是盟友,並且批判白人女性以所有女性的代言人自居所發展出的女性主義理論。而其反種族主義理論,則是批判男性中心的黑人權力運動,提出「黑人性」的概念取代黑人權力運動當中盛行的新民族主義。主張喜愛黑人性能夠破除黑色被他者化、商品化的問題,並提出後現代黑人性,挑戰傳統黑人認同當中的本質主義概念。hooks的教育觀主要包含幾種要素,分別是「學習批判思考」、「去殖民化的教育」和「建立主體性」,而教育的最終目的則是作為一種自由的實踐,使個體建立主體性,達到真正的自由。 性別與種族是兩個密不可分的體系,彼此相互影響,並且在兩者之中都存在著階級的差異。在台灣的新移民女性身為性別、種族、階級三方面的弱勢,處在社會的最邊緣,在其建立主體性的過程中所遭遇的障礙包括被社會問題化、媒體呈現的負面形象、身體的商品化、因語言不通而無法自我表達與描述、以及在保留原生文化與融入台灣文化之間的兩難。針對這些困境,研究者建議在台灣所提供的新移民女性教育,應該讓他們擁有和壓迫者對話的能力、培養批判思考的能力、擁有能夠以原鄉語言和中文表達自我的能力與空間、以及在其所處的社會結構邊緣做出抗拒的能力,最後以愛為中心,透過教育實踐真正的自由。
Through the theoretical analysis, this study tries to investigate bell hooks’ feminist theory and anti-racist theory, and their application on education. This study has four main goals: (1) To delve into bell hooks’ life experience and the formation of her education theories, (2) To analyze the interrelation of race and gender in hooks’ education theory, (3) To explore the inspiration and application of hooks’ education theory on the education of new female immigrants in Taiwan, (4) To propose possible approaches for new female immigrants in Taiwan to establish their subjectivities through education. hooks, as a feminist, serves as a link between past and future. She inherits some ideas of the second wave feminism, and at the same time criticizes that the privileged white women should not speak for all women, and propose that men should not be women’s enemies but allies in feminist struggles. hooks’ anti-racist theory criticizes the male-centered Black Power Movement, and raises the idea of “blackness” to replace the idea “Neo-Nationalism” which is popular during the Black Power Movement in the 1960s. hooks states that loving blackness can solve the problems among black community, such as the otherized and commodified concepts of black. She also proposes the idea of “postmodern blackness”, challenging “essentialism” in traditional black identities. hooks’ education theories include “teaching critical thinking”, “the decolonization of education”, and “the establishment of subjectivities”. Race and gender are inseparable, and their influences are interrelated. Also, there exist class differences in both systems. New female immigrants, as a marginal group in Taiwan, encounter obstacles like social problematization, negative image presented in mass media, the commodification of female body, the lack of ability to express themselves in Chinese, and the dilemma between retaining their original cultures and assimilating into the culture of Taiwan. Facing these difficulties, the researches suggest that the education for new female immigrants in Taiwan should equip them with the ability to converse with the oppressors, the ability of critical thinking, the ability and space to express and speak for themselves both in Chinese and in their native languages, and the ability to perform the act of resistance at the margin of society. At last, hopefully, these female immigrants will be able to acquire true freedom with love.



bell hooks, 新移民女性, 女性主義, 反種族主義, 主體性, bell hooks, new female immigrants, feminism, anti-racism, subjectivity





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