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本研究旨在探討質型工作不安全感分別與工作敬業、工作脫離之關聯性,以及個人-工作適配度在質型工作不安全感與結果變項間之中介效果。本研究以在職工作者作為研究對象,透過便利抽樣法分兩個時點進行Survey Cake電子問卷的發放,共計回收547份有效問卷,並採用迴歸分析與中介拔靴法進行後續的假設驗證。結果顯示:(1)質型工作不安全感與工作敬業具有負向顯著關聯性。(2)質型工作不安全感與工作脫離具有正向顯著關聯性。(3)個人-工作適配度在質型工作不安全感與工作敬業間具有中介效果。(4)個人-工作適配度在質型工作不安全感與工作脫離間具有中介效果。最後,本研究將根據分析結果進一步討論並提供企業相關實務建議、研究限制以及未來研究建議。
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between qualitative job insecurity, work engagement and work disengagement, as well as the mediating effect of person-job fit on the relationship between qualitative job insecurity and these outcome variables. Using a convenience sampling method and a two-wave survey design, data were collected through an online questionnaire distributed to full-time employees by Survey Cake. A total of 547 valid and matched questionnaires were obtained for analysis. Hypotheses were tested using regression analysis and the bootstrapping method. The results revealed that: (1) qualitative job insecurity is significantly and negatively related to job engagement; (2) qualitative job insecurity is significantly and positively related to job disengagement; (3) person-job fit significant mediates the relationship between qualitative job insecurity and job engagement; (4) person-job fit significant mediates the relationship between qualitative job insecurity and job disengagement. Based on these findings, the study discusses practical implications and provides recommendations for future research.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between qualitative job insecurity, work engagement and work disengagement, as well as the mediating effect of person-job fit on the relationship between qualitative job insecurity and these outcome variables. Using a convenience sampling method and a two-wave survey design, data were collected through an online questionnaire distributed to full-time employees by Survey Cake. A total of 547 valid and matched questionnaires were obtained for analysis. Hypotheses were tested using regression analysis and the bootstrapping method. The results revealed that: (1) qualitative job insecurity is significantly and negatively related to job engagement; (2) qualitative job insecurity is significantly and positively related to job disengagement; (3) person-job fit significant mediates the relationship between qualitative job insecurity and job engagement; (4) person-job fit significant mediates the relationship between qualitative job insecurity and job disengagement. Based on these findings, the study discusses practical implications and provides recommendations for future research.
質型工作不安全感, 個人-工作適配度, 工作敬業, 工作脫離, 個人-環境適配理論, Qualitative Job Insecurity, Work Engagement, Work Disengagement, Person-Job Fit, Person-Environment Fit Theory