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摘 要 本研究主要目的在瞭解國中生拒菸行為的現況,探討個人特質及經驗和行為的認知及感受等因素與拒絕吸菸行為之關係。本研究以台北縣立三重高中國中部的學生為研究母群體,採比率機率抽樣法,抽取407位學生為樣本。以自編自填式問卷進行調查研究,所得資料經分析,主要結果如下: 一、有77.6%的受試者從來沒有吸過菸,而且89.7%認為在未來三個月內不可能吸菸。第一次吸菸的年齡以13歲最多,男女的吸菸比率差不多。半數以上的受試者其要好的同學朋友有吸菸的情況。 二、個人特質及經驗中,自覺健康狀況越好、沒有吸菸、不曾有人遞菸者,在未來三個月內拒絕吸菸的可能性較高。 三、行為的認知及感受中,拒絕吸菸行為的障礙愈低、拒菸行為利益愈高、拒菸自我效能愈好、對拒菸行為的感受愈正向、人際對拒菸行為的規範與社會支持愈高、會仿效同儕不吸菸的行為、不可能在便利商店及雜貨店中取得菸品、或在網咖和公園路邊吸菸會被制止者,則在未來三個月拒絕吸菸行為的可能性就愈高。 四、「知覺拒菸行為障礙」、「吸菸狀況」、「拒菸自我效能」和「規範」對於未來拒菸行為的解釋力達47.0%。 關鍵字:國中生、拒菸行為、知覺拒菸行為障礙、拒菸自我效能
ABSTRACT The purposes of this study were to investigate the behavior of anti-smoking among junior high school students , and to explore the relationships among individual characteristics and experience, behavior-specific cognitions and affect toward the behavior of anti-smoking。 The PPS method was used to select the sample, 407 valid samples were collected with a self-administrated questionnaire from a population of junior high school students in Taipei County Sanchong High School. The major results of the study were as follows: 1. 77.6% of the subjects never smoked before, and 89.7% thought that they would not smoke in the coming three months. Most of subjects started to smoke at the age of 13. The smoking rate of male and female was similar. There were more than 50% of subjects whose class-mates and good friends were smokers. 2. Within individual characteristics and experience, the higher possibility of the behavior of anti- smoking existed in those who felt healthier, and never smoked before. 3. Within behavior-specific cognitions and affect, the positive correlated with behavior of anti-smoking included perceived benefits of anti-smoking, self-efficacy to reject smoking, the feeling of anti-smoking, social support, norm and role modeling. The negative correlated with behavior of anti-smoking included perceived barriers of anti-smoking, the limitation of tobacco obtainment and smoking restriction area. 4. Perceived barriers of anti-smoking, smoking status, self-efficacy of anti-smoking, and norm could explain the 47.0% of the variance of anti-smoking behavior. Key Words: junior high school student, the behavior of anti- smoking, perceived barriers of anti-smoking, self-efficacy of anti-smoking



國中生, 拒菸行為, 知覺拒菸行為障礙, 拒菸自我效能, junior high school student, the behavior of anti- smoking, perceived barriers of anti-smoking, self-efficacy of anti-smoking





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