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In the past, most studies aimed at commitment were more focused on “love and attachment,” but fewer on “moral commitment.” Researches had shown that marital satisfaction is the key to stability, but are there any other factors? Therefore, this study had two objectives. The first was to investigate the latent class of moral commitment and to examine whether the factors affect moral commitment. The second was to examine the association between moral commitment and marital stability. The data came from Taiwan Social Change Survey (2011), the sample consisted of 1086 Taiwanese married individuals. The result of latent class analysis showed there are three types of moral commitment: Relation-oriented, Marriage-oriented and Children-oriented. The results of multi-nominal logistic regression showed that the factors affect moral commitment are corresponded to Modernization Theory. According to the results of logistic regression, except marital satisfaction, moral commitment is another factor of marital stability. Through the findings, suggestions are made for family life education, the general and future studies.
In the past, most studies aimed at commitment were more focused on “love and attachment,” but fewer on “moral commitment.” Researches had shown that marital satisfaction is the key to stability, but are there any other factors? Therefore, this study had two objectives. The first was to investigate the latent class of moral commitment and to examine whether the factors affect moral commitment. The second was to examine the association between moral commitment and marital stability. The data came from Taiwan Social Change Survey (2011), the sample consisted of 1086 Taiwanese married individuals. The result of latent class analysis showed there are three types of moral commitment: Relation-oriented, Marriage-oriented and Children-oriented. The results of multi-nominal logistic regression showed that the factors affect moral commitment are corresponded to Modernization Theory. According to the results of logistic regression, except marital satisfaction, moral commitment is another factor of marital stability. Through the findings, suggestions are made for family life education, the general and future studies.
婚姻規範性承諾, 婚姻穩定, 潛在類別分析, 臺灣社會變遷基本調查, Moral Commitment, Marital Stability, Latent Class Analysis, Taiwan Social Change Survey