

本研究主要目的是希望能夠了解高一學生在鷹架式科學探究環境中,科學探究能力的改變情形。本研究採取個案研究法,對象為台北市某公立女子高級中學高一數理資優班學生30人(有效樣本29人),研究工具為科學探究能力試題、科學探究學習環境偏好問卷、學習單、晤談單等。 本研究結果顯示,雖然學生整體科學探究能力的表現在課程實施前後沒有顯著差異,但整體而言本次課程所提供的科學探究學習環境符合學生的期待。隨著課程進行,學生在提出、判斷研究問題優劣及實際修正研究問題時所應用的準則,主要是「問題必須是可實行的」、「問題的範圍」與「問題的意義」三項。另外,分析學生在「分析詮釋」的表現後發現,學生在課程結束後對於數據轉換成表格與圖形的完整度有較佳表現。本研究所提供學生學習「提出問題」能力的鷹架,確實能幫助學生注意所提出研究問題的品質,但多數學生傾向應用熟悉的準則(例如: 「問題必須是可實行的」)作為修正研究問題和對他組研究問題提出建議的依據;而提供學生學習「分析詮釋」能力的鷹架可幫助學生知道資料處理流程,但學生分析詮釋所得結果的正確性仍需加強。
This study aims to understand the development of students’ scientific inquiry abilities using a method of case study through a learning process of scaffolded scientific inquiry. The participants were 30 tenth graders who were identified as science gifted students in a girl public senior high school at Taipei city. Various data had been used in this study such as tests, questionnaire, interviews and worksheets. The results showed that students reported that they satisfied with the scaffolded scientific inquiry environment provided by the researchers even though their scientific inquiry abilities had no significant difference before and after the invention. Secondly, most students were used to apply “workability”, “question scope”, and “meaningfulness” as criterion to judge, modify their research questions and evaluate peer’s research questions. Thirdly, students had better performances in the data-transform after completing the lesson. Finally, the scaffoldings could facilitate students to form a “good” research question and analyze and explain data but the accuracy of their explanations were needed to be improved.



科學探究, 鷹架, 行動學習, scientific inquiry, scaffolding, mobile learning





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