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鎮瀾宮原是大甲地區的信仰中心,近年來隨著管理組織的變遷、經營方式的改變、政府資源的投入等,逐步發展成臺灣媽祖信仰的重鎮。 日治時代,鎮瀾宮藉助往返北港牛販的祈願謝神儀式,而有了組團前往朝天宮刈火進香的活動,以彌補不能前往湄洲進香的遺憾,直至戰後並延續前往北港進香的傳統,每隔數年即由頭家、爐主主持辦理進香活動,民國64年後(1975),則改由管理委員會主辦這項傳統的盛事。 民國75年(1986)北港朝天宮受臺灣省政府之邀,舉辦全臺繞境弘法大典,卻引來臺灣各地媽祖廟宇的地位之爭,此時,鎮瀾宮也亟欲擺脫北港朝天宮對於其每年進香活動的限制。民國76年(1987),鎮瀾宮藉以媽祖成道千年的慶祝大典,率團前往中國湄洲謁祖進香,並迎回媽祖祖廟香火;隔年,因改變進香名義而與朝天宮產生衝突,並隨即將進香目的地改至與朝天宮素有開臺媽祖之爭的新港奉天宮,藉以邊緣化朝天宮的影響。轉向新港後,鎮瀾宮並藉著繞境進香的名義,逐步增加停、駐駕廟宇與進香路線,逐漸擴張其影響力與勢力範圍。在歷年的進香活動中,透過信徒勢力的整合與繞境廟宇的連結,使其進香的組織、規模逐步擴大,並累積了眾多的社會人脈與經濟財力。近年來,更因增加了許多的儀式與活動,以及繞境路線和停、駐駕廟宇,使其影響範圍與空間不斷地重組與擴大。 每年進香活動及其影響的空間範圍是鎮瀾宮的發展與勢力的象徵,也是其能夠成功地從地區性的信仰,轉變成跨區域信仰的重要關鍵。每年的進香活動,是其發展媽祖信仰事業的確認與再生產,並取得網絡內成員的集體性支持;隨著顏清標入主鎮瀾宮,以其政治人物的身份與時下頻繁的地方、中央選舉活動,更讓鎮瀾宮和其地方社群、進香廟宇原有之社會、經濟關係與政治活動、勢力緊密連結。進香空間的擴張與影響範圍,成為鎮瀾宮的發展與政治勢力的具體象徵。
Jenn Lann Temple is the center of worship in Dajia area. In recent years, it develops its worship and becomes one of the core area of Matsu worship in Taiwan by the change of its organization , managing styles and the increasing resources of government. In the past Japanese Taiwan, Jenn Lann Temple started the pilgrimage to Chao Tien Temple in Pei Kang and continued the religious activity to 1987. In the end of 1987, the managers of the committee of Jenn Lann Temple came to Mei Chou , China and brought the statue of Mei Chou Matsu. After this, the pilgrimage of Jenn Lann Temple changed to go to Feng Tien Temple in Hsin Kang next year. In the later annual pilgrimage of Jenn Lann Temple , it patrols and visits more and more area and temple in order to expand the range of its influence. By the increasing of patrolling area and temple, Jenn Lann Temple accumulate more and more social relations and economic resources and that is why it can develop successfully. The area of patrolling as the power of symbol of Jenn Lann Temple is the reason why it can develop its worship across the boundary of Dajia area. By the interaction with temples in other area , it obtains the social support and power by these temples. When Yan Qing Biao serves as the chairman of Jenn Lann Temple, he combines the development of worship of Matsu with the politics and the local election. After this, the area of the worship of Jenn Lann Temple becomes the symbol of its development and political influence.



鎮瀾宮, 媽祖信仰, 刈火進香, 繞境進香, 進香空間, Jenn Lann Temple, the Worship of Matsu, patrol and pilgrimage





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