一、 整體而言,在教育介入施行後,教保人員對兒童事故傷害預防之知識、態度、警覺度、溝通技巧及自我效能方面,都有明顯正向的改變。
二、 在教育介入後,知識變項達到顯著差異;顯示目前教育體系對於教保人員在安全與健康教育方面的專業課程仍嫌不足,教保人員需藉由在職教育補強相關知識。
三、 在教育介入後,態度變項達到顯著差異;顯示教保人員教學態度與教學效果具有正向關係。
四、 在教育介入後,警覺度變項達到顯著差異;從而促使教保人員瞭解到兒童事故傷害預防警覺度的重要性。
五、 在教育介入後,溝通技巧變項達到顯著差異;而教保人員的溝通技巧對於兒童事故傷害預防教育學習活動上會有相當的影響,因此教保人員溝通知能的提升是有必要的。
六、 在教育介入後,自我效能變項達到顯著差異;教保人員自我效能是影響兒童學習成效的主要原因之一,協助教保人員自我效能之增強,將有助於教保人員對於兒童事故傷害預防付出更多心力。最後依據研究結果,對政府、家庭、相關機構提出政策建議。
According to the reports of the Department of Health, Republic of China, injuries of children had been the top cause of death in Taiwan. Despite of sleeping time, care-givers are those who most frequently interact with children. As a result, upgrading the knowledge of care-givers and enhancing preventive education for children’s safety are key factors in reducing the injury rate of children. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the program’s effect on Preventive Education for Children Safety (PECS). The study adopted single-group with pretest-posttest design to analyze how the PECS program affects care-giver’s knowledge, attitude, awareness(self-perception), communication skills, and self-efficacy, etc,. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, one-way ANOVA analysis and paired t-test. The main findings of the study are as follows: 1、Generally speaking, PECS had significantly positive effects on knowledge, attitude, self-perception, communication skills, and self-efficacy of care-givers. 2、The intervention of PECS significantly affected the variable of knowledge, which indicated that on-job-training of care-givers need to be enhanced. 3、The intervention of PECS significantly affected the variable of teaching attitude, which also positive effected on teaching performance. 4、The intervention of PECS significantly affected variable of awareness, implying that care-givers increasingly understood the importance of PECS after the intervention of PECS. 5、The intervention of PECS significantly affected the variable of communication skills. Communication was so important to training program that enhancing care-giver’s communication skills is necessary. 6、The intervention of PECS significantly affected the variable of self-efficacy. The self-efficacy of care-givers is one of major factors influencing learning effects. Enhancing care-giver’s self-efficacy is helpful for them to pay more attention on prevention from children’s injury. Finally, based on the findings, policy recommendations for government, family, and relevant agencies were drown.
According to the reports of the Department of Health, Republic of China, injuries of children had been the top cause of death in Taiwan. Despite of sleeping time, care-givers are those who most frequently interact with children. As a result, upgrading the knowledge of care-givers and enhancing preventive education for children’s safety are key factors in reducing the injury rate of children. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the program’s effect on Preventive Education for Children Safety (PECS). The study adopted single-group with pretest-posttest design to analyze how the PECS program affects care-giver’s knowledge, attitude, awareness(self-perception), communication skills, and self-efficacy, etc,. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, one-way ANOVA analysis and paired t-test. The main findings of the study are as follows: 1、Generally speaking, PECS had significantly positive effects on knowledge, attitude, self-perception, communication skills, and self-efficacy of care-givers. 2、The intervention of PECS significantly affected the variable of knowledge, which indicated that on-job-training of care-givers need to be enhanced. 3、The intervention of PECS significantly affected the variable of teaching attitude, which also positive effected on teaching performance. 4、The intervention of PECS significantly affected variable of awareness, implying that care-givers increasingly understood the importance of PECS after the intervention of PECS. 5、The intervention of PECS significantly affected the variable of communication skills. Communication was so important to training program that enhancing care-giver’s communication skills is necessary. 6、The intervention of PECS significantly affected the variable of self-efficacy. The self-efficacy of care-givers is one of major factors influencing learning effects. Enhancing care-giver’s self-efficacy is helpful for them to pay more attention on prevention from children’s injury. Finally, based on the findings, policy recommendations for government, family, and relevant agencies were drown.
教保人員, 幼兒安全教育, 事故傷害預防, 教育介入, 知識, 態度, 警覺度, 溝通技巧, 自我效能, Care-givers, Education for children’s safety, Prevention from injury, Intervention of education, Knowledge, Attitude, Communication skills, Awareness, Self-efficacy