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Department of Geography, NTNU
Department of Geography, NTNU
台灣有豐富的降雨,但河川流短坡陡,水資源無法有效貯存。水庫興建不易、選址困難。台灣水費過於廉價、人民用水過度浪費。尤其台灣各地降雨型態不同,北部各月降雨與南部相較起來較為平均,南部降雨則集中在7~9 月且其他月份亦經常發生無雨日過長等情形。這樣的現象造成了台灣北部淹水、南部反而缺水的情形。校園用水在社會水資源利用概念中是很重要的基本單位,校園人數與用水概念亦是社區的縮影且座落全台。若能在校園裡規劃屬於校園本身的雨水利用,這對節水資源概念來說是一大進步指標。雨水貯集估算這不僅需要雨量、人口、用水量、集雨面積等數據進行估算,還需要台灣本身的降雨型態進行探討。這樣的過程對一般民眾來說是相當複雜與煩瑣,其相關的資訊與資料也不易取得。因此本研究希望透過這些問題與特點將相關的資訊、資料、估算之模擬進行校園雨水利用資訊化建置。而在建置後針對使用者進行問卷調查得出,藉由資訊網路能快速運算及傳遞知識等特性,的確能快速估算出其雨水貯集量並有傳達一般民眾雨水利用、節省水資源概念之效用。
Despite the plentiful rainfall, Taiwan fails to retain its water resources fully due to steep terrains; moreover, it is not so practical to build large reservoirs all over the small island. In the meantime, the varied rainfall types lead to the flooding of the north and the drought of the south owing to adequate rainfall in the north all the year and fierce rainfall in the south in Jul-Sep. Frankly speaking, campuses are the major social consumer of tap water and ought to serve as the model for water saving as well. Adequate planning for rainfall reuse on campus is a milestone for water saving. Nonetheless, it is complex and time-consuming to obtain the information and data relating to estimation of rainfall retained in terms of gauge, population, consumption, cumulative area and local rainfall types altogether. Thus, this study attempts to present how to build a digital system for campus rainfall reuse in terms of simulation under relevant information, data and estimation. A questionnaires survey pinpoints that it is pretty useful to obtain the cumulative estimate of rainfall retained by rapid computation and knowledge convey of the internet as well as promotion for rainfall reuse and water saving to the public.
Despite the plentiful rainfall, Taiwan fails to retain its water resources fully due to steep terrains; moreover, it is not so practical to build large reservoirs all over the small island. In the meantime, the varied rainfall types lead to the flooding of the north and the drought of the south owing to adequate rainfall in the north all the year and fierce rainfall in the south in Jul-Sep. Frankly speaking, campuses are the major social consumer of tap water and ought to serve as the model for water saving as well. Adequate planning for rainfall reuse on campus is a milestone for water saving. Nonetheless, it is complex and time-consuming to obtain the information and data relating to estimation of rainfall retained in terms of gauge, population, consumption, cumulative area and local rainfall types altogether. Thus, this study attempts to present how to build a digital system for campus rainfall reuse in terms of simulation under relevant information, data and estimation. A questionnaires survey pinpoints that it is pretty useful to obtain the cumulative estimate of rainfall retained by rapid computation and knowledge convey of the internet as well as promotion for rainfall reuse and water saving to the public.