

大學發展對空間需求,與校園歷史建物保存、老樹保護,兩者之間並非只能存在「魚與熊掌不可兼得」關係。但是在臺灣師大校方依循工具理性思維,歷經數年所策劃的樂智大樓興建案未能做到透明化,與積極主動公開規劃過程中各階段性的發展訊息提供給校內師生,致使1996年校內通過規劃案到2003年,7年多後才爆發此校園文化抗爭,反映校園文化體制於進行規劃時,總是在會議室裡菁英主義式的做出決議,決策單位與執行單位一條鞭的運作,直接執行,可以不經公開討論,且長久以來這樣地決策過程也沒有被強烈聲浪質疑,伴隨著一直以來所缺乏的校園公共論述,直到2003年碰巧因為一張老樹攝影海報引發校內少數師生好奇,從好奇心進而引起心中疑團,以致對樂智大樓興建、文薈廳、建地上老樹群深表關切,最終演變成一場與校方對立的校園文化抗爭。 2003年沸沸揚揚上演的文化抗爭,實際上參與其事者佔校內師生比例少之又少,反映了多數師生的冷漠,所謂公共論述在校內也僅是少數師生與校方的參與。因此公共論述機制是否真的建立起來,似乎沒有,校方決策方式仍然照舊,溝通機制仍未能確立。 另一方面臺灣師大校園空間的地方性明明可見,藉由硬體的自然、文化景觀展現,也透過軟體的人群活動形塑其氛圍,從古典價值、傳統精神、節慶、活動獲得彰顯。以一所具有悠久歷史的大學而言,展望未來在校園規劃上,從建築而言,透過既有古老建築景觀在校園空間的整體性與古典性,並透過不同時期師生歷時性地醞釀又積累其深厚歷史記憶,成為校園空間裡無可取代的地方性表徵,也持續生成其地方感及認同。思索建築的需求絕對不能只建立在功能性思考,更要重視建築背後代表的意涵以及與周遭地方的緊密聯結。諸多未能總是明明可見的無名之道,可能是一種文化氣息、一種人地情感關係、或是建築本身的經年累月後的意涵與價值會隨著景觀拆卸或遷徙後不復存在,即便日後再重新組裝或移植,那股原有的地方氛圍將就此失了味。 故思索臺灣師大校園規劃,最重要的不只是空間分配與使用,或具體景觀的呈現,規劃的背後必需要有對校園歷史縱深有一定了解,且站在校園原有地方性上進行整體性、一致性、與延續性的規劃,方能使地方感獲得累積,打造深具地方特色的景觀。 關鍵字:文化抗爭、地方性、地方感、古蹟保存、校園規劃、師大
Abstract Owing to its insufficient space, the authorities of NTNU planned to builda new building to solve the problem. However, it also means the earliest structure and the oldest tree mass in the campus would be destroyed and removed. A great disturbance was caused in the campus in 2003. I named it “cultural conflict”. The cultural conflict seethed with excitement. However, only a few teachers and students participated in this campus movement; it reflected most of them were indifferent. Thus there seemed no public forum in the campus. The staff remained keeping the used way to make policy and no more communication between the staff and students. On the other hand, the placeness of campus space in NTNU is visible. We can perceive it by means of natural or cultural landscape and atmosphere, which is formed by people’s activity, such as classical values, traditional spirits, and festivals. With a long history university like NTNU, what can we do in the campus planning for the future?We can create unique placeness in the campus space through the old buildings and the ole tree mass. While making campus planning in NTNU, it is not only about spatial distribution or landscape creation. The most important thing to do is realize the campus history, then plan the campus to be a unity and continuity that is based on the original placeness in the campus. By doing so, we can make a place one and only, and accumulate its sense of place. Keywords:cultural conflict, placeness, sense of place,historical site keeping, campus planning, National Taiwan Normal University(NTNU).



文化抗爭, 古蹟保存, 地方性, 地方感, 師大, 校園規劃, cultural conflict, historical site keeping, placeness, sense of place, NTNU, campus planning





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