

以社會文化理論(sociocultural theory)為基礎,本質性研究旨在探討參與協同教學(team teaching)的教師之專業成長(professional development)。此研究採用個案研究法,針對四組來自三所新竹市國民小學的中外籍英語新手協同教師,進行一學年的研究。研究結果顯示教師對於協同教學的描述與看法皆不相同,研究者更藉由教師對於協同教學的隱喻(metaphors for team teaching)以及他們認為印象最深刻的教學事件(the most memorable teaching incidents),進一步了解教師的協同教學經驗和感受。 大致而言,研究對象認為協同教學有助於他們對教學方法、教室管理技巧、以及外國文化和英語的學習與了解。他們從日常的教學當中,也學習到關於學生特質、學校文化 、以及社會文化的相關知識。而與同事的互動和參與如工作坊與研討會等活動,亦有助於他們的專業成長。本研究亦發現有助於教師成長的因素包括和諧的同僚關係、樂於嘗試新的教學方法、與對於工作的正面態度。而缺乏有效溝通、內向的人格特質、與缺乏教學熱誠皆會阻礙教師的專業成長。 本研究結果一方面支持教師的專業成長為情境性(the situated nature of teacher learning)與社會性(the social nature of teacher learning)的論點,另一方面也支持「分散性專業知識」(distributed expertise)和Tsui (2003)所主張的「多元專業知識」論點(multiple expertise)。但本研究亦發現協同教學對於促進教師專業成長,效果並不如預期顯著。而因為此研究之研究對象剛開始從事協同教學,便賦予核心成員之重任,因而並無法如「實踐社群」(the community of practice)理論對新成員學習過程所預期的慢慢地從「合理的邊際參與」(legitimate peripheral participation)進展到「完全參與」(full participation)。本研究亦發現,為了充分了解教師成長,研究者需全面考量實踐社群中核心及非核心成員與活動所扮演的角色。最後,根據本研究的發現,研究者提出相關的建言與反省。
Framed in the sociocultural theory, this case study was designed to investigate teachers’ professional growth as situated in team teaching. The participants were four pairs of Taiwanese and foreign English teachers who were in their first or second year of practicing team teaching in elementary schools in Hsinchu City, Taiwan. Data were collected via multiple qualitative methods in three schools over the course of the 2006-2007 school year. Findings of this study suggest that teachers’ description and perception of their experience in team teaching varied. The metaphors they provided for team teaching and the teaching incidents they described as most memorable provide a window to understand their experience. With regard to teachers’ learning, team teachers benefited from collaborating with their partners in different aspects, including teaching ideas, classroom management approaches, and knowledge about the foreign culture and English language. From their daily teaching, many participants also gained more knowledge about the characteristics of their students, the school culture, and the societal context. They also grew from interacting with other colleagues and participating in professional development activities, such as workshops and conferences. In this study, many factors were found to facilitate or inhibit the participants’ growth. Evidence suggests that a close collegial relationship is essential for fostering a healthy climate for professional development. Willingness to try different ideas and a positive attitude toward their jobs are conducive to teachers’ learning on the job. On the other hand, lack of effective communication between teachers, introverted personality, and lack of passion for teaching were found to hinder teachers’ growth. Results of this study support the situated and social nature of teacher learning, although the team-teaching mechanism did not reach all its potential or promises in terms of triggering teacher learning. They also endorse the concept of distributed expertise and Tsui’s (2003) view that the term “expertise” is best interpreted as encompassing different areas of specialization in a profession. The community of practice (COP) theory predicts that newcomers become seasoned members of a community by progressing from legitimate peripheral participation (LPP) to full participation. However, the socialization of the participants in this study did not follow this predicted process because they were not given the time to start from the peripheral. The findings of this study also suggest that to understand the complex and dynamic nature of teacher learning, the core as well as the non-core practices and members of a COP need to be taken into consideration. To conclude this study, practical implications and directions for future research are offered, along with my personal reflections on the completion of this research project.



協同教學, 專業成長, 社會文化理論, team teaching, professional development, sociocultural theory





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