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本研究目的在了解臺北市某國中學生對正確用藥知識、態度與行為的現況及其相關因素,研究對象為100學年度第二學期就讀臺北市立某國中七、八年級學生,採多步驟抽樣(Muti-Stage Sampling)。研究工具採自填之結構式問卷,問卷內容包括背景變項、正確用藥知識、態度與行為四部份,共獲得有效問卷208份。本研究結果如下。 一、 研究對象對正確用藥知識、態度與行為之現況:正確用藥知識答對率為72.8%;態度方面偏向正向;行為方面採取「經常做到」。 二、 背景變項與正確用藥知識、態度及行為之關係:「年級」、「學業成績」在「正確用藥知識」方面具有顯著差異,八年級高於七年級;「父親管教方式」、「正確用藥宣導活動」在「正確用藥態度」方面具有顯著差異;「家人用藥行為」、「參與正確用藥課程」、「參加正確用藥宣導活動」在「正確用藥行為」方面具有顯著差異。 三、 「正確用藥態度」與「正確用藥行為」二者間呈顯著正相關( r = 0.63)。 四、 研究對象「背景變項」、「正確用藥知識」、「正確用藥態度」能有效預測「正確用藥行為」52.7%之總變異量。其中「學業成績」、「家人用藥行為」、「家人曾到非醫院、診所或藥局的地方購買或取得藥物」、「參加正確用藥的課程」與「正確用藥態度」能有效預測正確用藥行為。
This study was aimed to investigate current situation and correlations of knowledge, attitude and behavior regarding correct medication use of junior high students in Taipei City. Participants were seven graders and eight graders who studied in second semester of 2011. Self-administered structured questionnaires were used with multi-stage sampling, and 208 returned copies were valid. The questionnaire was divided into four parts, including background variables, knowledge, attitude and behavior regarding correct medication use. Results of this study were summarized as below: 1. Current status of participants’ knowledge, attitude and behavior regarding correct medication: In terms of knowledge regarding correct medication use, students’ replies indicated the correct ratio was 72.8% ; on the other hand, replies of attitude regarding correct medication use were chiefly “positive”, and replies of health behavior regarding correct medication use were chiefly “often”. 2. Correlations between background variables and knowledge, attitude, behavior regarding correct medication use: According to the results, significances were found between “grade”, “academic performance” and “knowledge regarding correct medication use”; meanwhile, significances were also found between “paternal parenting style”, “campaigns for correct medication use” and “attitude regarding correct medication use”. Moreover, other significances were found between “family medication use behavior”, “curricula for correct medication use”, “participation in campaigns for correct medication use” and “behavior regarding correct medication use”. 3. Positive correlation was found between “attitude regarding correct medication use” and “behavior regarding correct medication use” ( r = 0.63) . 4. Participants’ “background variables”, “knowledge regarding correct medication use” and “attitude regarding correct medicaiton use” could predict 52.7% of variances of “behavior regarding correct medication use”. For instance, “academic performance”, “family medication use behavior”, “family experiences of getting medicines from non-medical or non-pharmaceutical access”, “participation in curricula for correct medication use”, and “attitude regarding correct medication use” could shed light on the behavior regarding correct medication use.



國中生, 正確用藥, 健康行為, Junior high students, correct medication use, health behavior





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