
dc.contributor.authorLin-Chen Chenen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究是依世界衛生組織建議之媒體自殺報導準則,以內容分析法進行國內14家報紙及10家電視台報導某演藝名人自殺事件的新聞內容分析,並以"媒體報導某演藝名人自殺事件的影響調查問卷"針對461名憂鬱症患者及270名被通報之自殺企圖者進行量性及質性影響內容分析。 本研究的主要發現為: 一、電視和報紙名人自殺事件報導內容分析違反世界衛生組織名人自殺規範準則之處: 1、將「自殺事件」、「自殺方法」或「單一自殺原因」放在頭版、頭條、或是以大字標題呈現。 2、詳細報導自殺者個人資料、刊登自殺者照片且英雄化自殺者及自殺行為。 3、刊登自殺者家屬或親友的名字和照片、過度強調家屬或親友的傷心、內疚。 4、簡化、單一化自殺原因。 5、將自殺視為解決個人問題的辦法。 6、圖示化、照片化並詳細敘述自殺方法、過程、地點、使用工具。 7、未提供心理衛生教育與專業服務的資訊: (1)未提供心理衛生服務、精神醫療機構的資料。 (2)未指出自殺行為先兆。 (3)未提供遺屬可尋求協助的資源。 (4)未提供憂鬱症是可痊癒和需求助的訊息。 二、媒體名人自殺事件報導對於特殊族群(憂鬱症患者和自殺企圖者)的影響 1、使憂鬱症患者憂鬱症狀加重或復發。 2、引起憂鬱症患者自殺行為,包括使從未有過自殺意念者引起自殺意念或自殺企圖、使只有過自殺意念者引起自殺企圖、使曾有過自殺企圖者再次引起自殺企圖。 3、曾有過自殺行為、最後一次自殺企圖在報導前180天內的憂鬱症患者有較高倍數可能受到媒體影響而產生自殺企圖。 4、被通報的自殺企圖者中男性較女性有較高倍數可能受到媒體影響而引起自殺企圖。 三、質性訪談整理出一些自殺企圖者及憂鬱症病患認為媒體某演藝名人自殺新聞報導造成的影響,包括: 1、學習、模仿、肯定自殺可以解決問題 2、學習到自殺的方式 3、對問題解決、憂鬱症預後、憂鬱症治療的"無望感" 4、認為自殺是勇敢的、瀟灑的、轟轟烈烈的 5、自殺可以引起別人注意 6、引起自殺意念或自殺企圖、影響情緒 7、好的影響…主動就醫 本研究為國內媒體名人自殺報導對特殊群體造成影響之前驅性研究,可提供訂定媒體自殺報導準則參考,未來研究者可在本研究的基礎下,進一步研究不同傳播媒體報導的影響及自殺行為的影響因素調查。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis study utilized the media suicide reporting guidelines by the World Health Organization to analysis reports of entertainment celebrity suicide by fourteen newspaper and ten television news channels. The questionnaire of the investigation of the effects of media reports on suicide by a celebrity was used on patients with 461 depressive disorder patients and 270 reported suicide attempters to analysis the content with quantity and quality. The major findings of this study were as follows: A. The suicide reports from the televisions and newspapers were against the guidelines by the World Health Organization. 1. The title writing such as suicide evens, suicide methods, or single suicide factor were presented on the front pages as a headlines or writing in big letters. 2. Detail the suicide attempter personal information and photography, and presenting the attempter and his suicide behaviour as a hero and heroic behaviour on the reports. 3. Over presenting the suicide attempter’s family and friends detail personal information and their photography with the expressing themselves on sorrowful and guilty emotion. 4. Presenting the suicide factor simplistically and simplex. 5. Encouraging the idea of suicide as a method of coping with personal problem. 6. Detail presenting the methods of suicide, processes, place and equipments. 7. Not providing the information of mental health education and professional helps. (1)Not providing the information of mental health service, and psychiatric institutions. (2)Not pointing out the precursor of suicide. (3)Not providing the resources for suicide attempter’s family to seek help for their needs. (4)Not providing the information about depressive disorder can be cured and patient’s needs for help. B. The influence of media reports on suicide by a celebrity to the specific groups such patients with depressive disorder or suicide attempters. 1. Enhancing or re-inducing the ill prognosis to patients with depressive disorder. 2. Inducing the suicidal behaviour, that includes initial suicide idea, suicide attempt, or inducing the suicide idea for the person who had this idea, or the person who has attempted suicide in the past. 3. Suicide attempter with depressive disorder, who had attempted suicide in 180 days after exposing in suicide media reports, is more likely to attempt suicide. 4. The statistics of suicide attempters record shows males more likely to be affected by the media reports and induce suicide idea. C. The questionnaire shows a list of effecters from the media suicide reports on an entertainment celebrity, which were provided by suicide attempters and patients with depressive disorder. 1. Learning, imitating, and believe suicide as a solution. 2. Learning suicide manners. 3. Feeling helpless of dealing problems, the prognosis of depressive illness, and treatment. 4. Believe that suicide is a brave behavior. 5. To give more attention from others by suicide. 6. Effecting on emotion and inducing the idea of suicide, or committing suicide. 7. Ppositive effecter: seeking medical help voluntarily. This study is a precursor research on the effects of media reports on suicide to the specific group. It provides a reference for the guides Improving media reporting of suicidal behavior suicidal behavior has not been investigateden_US
dc.subjectspecific audienceen_US
dc.subjectcontent analysisen_US
dc.titleThe content analysis of Media Reports on suicide and its influence on suicidal behavior to the significant auditors --- The example of suicide reporting on an entertainment celebrityen_US

