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參與者是台北市中山區及大同區長青學苑九十六年春季班課程老人共276位(男性95位,女性181位)。本研究使用兩種研究工具,一為開放性引導式問卷,二為依據開放性引導式問卷填答結果所篩選出的70%顯著信念而編制出的結構式問卷。收集的資料運用皮爾森積差相關、單因子變異數分析、階層複迴歸、複迴歸及單因數多變項變異數分析的Htelling,S T2進行統計分析。
一、 本研究對象未來一個月內有從事規律運動意圖者整體而言占89.1%。
二、 本研究對象從事規律運動的態度、主觀規範可有效的解釋規律運動意圖23.1%的變異量,加入知覺行為控制後,則顯著增加對規律運動意圖11.4%的變異量,此三者可共同解釋行為意圖提升至34.5%的變異量。其中以知覺行為控制的影響力最高,主觀規範次之,態度最低。
三、 態度與行為信念、結果評價的交乘積和達中度正相關;主觀規範與規範信念、依從動機的交乘積和達高度正相關;知覺行為控制與控制信念、知覺力量的交乘積和為中度正相關。
四、 有/無意圖從事規律運動者在行為信念、結果評價、規範信念、控制信念、知覺力量等信念有顯著性差異
Abstract The purpose of this study was to predict and explain the older men’s intention of regular exercise. The theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) provided the framework for the study (Azjen, 1991). Participant were 276 60-years-old men (95 males and 181 females) in Datong and Zhongshan District 長青學苑 of Taipei City. This research uses two kinds of research tools, one is open-ended elicitation, and the other is close-format questionnaire. The collected data was analyzed by Pearson product-moment correlation, one-way ANOVA, hierarchical multiple regression, multiple regression, and Hotelling’s T2. There are four major findings as the following: 1. Around 89.1% of respondents showed the positive behavioral intention to regular exercise in next moth. 2. The attitude and subjective norm explained 23.1% of variance of the intention of regular exercise;The perceived behavior control added 11.4% explanation power. Thus, the explanation power of these tree variables accounted for 34.5%. 3. The attitude of respondents toward regular exercise was moderately positive related to the product of behavioral beliefs multiplied be evaluations of outcomes ( Bi*Ei). The subjective norm of respondents’ regular exercise was also more highly positive related to the product of normative beliefs multiplied by motivations to comply (NBj*MCj).The perceived behavior control or respondents’ regular exercise was also more moderately positive related to the control beliefs multiplied by perceived power. 4. There were significant differences between respondents with the intention of regular exercise and respondents without the intention of regular exercise in behavior beliefs, outcome evaluation, normative beliefs, control beliefs and perceived power
Abstract The purpose of this study was to predict and explain the older men’s intention of regular exercise. The theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) provided the framework for the study (Azjen, 1991). Participant were 276 60-years-old men (95 males and 181 females) in Datong and Zhongshan District 長青學苑 of Taipei City. This research uses two kinds of research tools, one is open-ended elicitation, and the other is close-format questionnaire. The collected data was analyzed by Pearson product-moment correlation, one-way ANOVA, hierarchical multiple regression, multiple regression, and Hotelling’s T2. There are four major findings as the following: 1. Around 89.1% of respondents showed the positive behavioral intention to regular exercise in next moth. 2. The attitude and subjective norm explained 23.1% of variance of the intention of regular exercise;The perceived behavior control added 11.4% explanation power. Thus, the explanation power of these tree variables accounted for 34.5%. 3. The attitude of respondents toward regular exercise was moderately positive related to the product of behavioral beliefs multiplied be evaluations of outcomes ( Bi*Ei). The subjective norm of respondents’ regular exercise was also more highly positive related to the product of normative beliefs multiplied by motivations to comply (NBj*MCj).The perceived behavior control or respondents’ regular exercise was also more moderately positive related to the control beliefs multiplied by perceived power. 4. There were significant differences between respondents with the intention of regular exercise and respondents without the intention of regular exercise in behavior beliefs, outcome evaluation, normative beliefs, control beliefs and perceived power
老人, 規律運動之意圖, 計劃行為理論, older men, intention of regular exercise, Theory of Planned Behavior